Это то, с чем я закончил, и это прекрасно работает (надеюсь, полезно кому-то еще)
Фабрика заданий, которая осведомлена о контексте Spring
/// <summary>
/// A custom job factory that is aware of the spring context
/// </summary>
public class ContextAwareJobFactory : AdaptableJobFactory, IApplicationContextAware
/// <summary>
/// The spring app context
/// </summary>
private IApplicationContext m_Context;
/// <summary>
/// Set the context
/// </summary>
public IApplicationContext ApplicationContext
m_Context = value;
/// <summary>
/// Overrides the default version and sets the context
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bundle"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
protected override object CreateJobInstance(TriggerFiredBundle bundle)
return m_Context.GetObject(bundle.JobDetail.JobType.Name, bundle.JobDetail.JobType);
Само задание (проверяет БД на наличие записей и, если их хотя бы HomeManyMenuItemsIsOK , все хорошо). Примечание: menuService - это внедренный объект с пружинным управлением, в котором есть несколько DAO). HowManyMenuItemsIsOK - это статическое свойство, которое передается через карту данных задания.
public class CheckMenuIsHealthyJob : QuartzJobObject
private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(CheckMenuIsHealthyJob));
public IMenuService menuService { get; set; }
public int HowManyMenuItemsIsOK { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Check how healthy the menu is by seeing how many menu items are stored in the database. If there
/// are more than 'HowManyMenuItemsIsOK' then we're ok.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context"></param>
protected override void ExecuteInternal(JobExecutionContext context)
IList<MenuItem> items = menuService.GetAllMenuItems();
if (items != null && items.Count >= HowManyMenuItemsIsOK)
log.Debug("There are " + items.Count + " menu items. Menu is healthy!");
log.Warn("Menu needs some menu items adding!");
И, наконец, конфигурация Spring
<!-- Scheduled Services using Quartz -->
<!-- This section contains Quartz config that can be reused by all our Scheduled Tasks ---->
<!-- The Quartz scheduler factory -->
<object id="quartzSchedulerFactory" type="Spring.Scheduling.Quartz.SchedulerFactoryObject, Spring.Scheduling.Quartz">
<!-- Tell Quartz to use our custom (context-aware) job factory -->
<property name="JobFactory" ref="contextAwareJobFactory"/>
<!-- Register the triggers -->
<property name="triggers">
<ref object="frequentTrigger" />
<!-- Funky new context-aware job factory -->
<object name="contextAwareJobFactory" type="Munch.Service.ScheduledTasks.ContextAwareJobFactory" />
<!-- A trigger that fires every 10 seconds (can be reused by any jobs that want to fire every 10 seconds) -->
<object id="frequentTrigger" type="Spring.Scheduling.Quartz.CronTriggerObject, Spring.Scheduling.Quartz" lazy-init="true">
<property name="jobDetail" ref="checkMenuIsHealthyJobDetail" />
<property name="cronExpressionString" value="0/10 * * * * ?" />
<!-- Now the job-specific stuff (two object definitions per job; 1) the job and 2) the job detail) -->
<!-- Configuration for the 'check menu is healthy job' -->
<!-- 1) The job -->
<object name="checkMenuIsHealthyJob" type="Munch.Service.ScheduledTasks.CheckMenuIsHealthyJob" singleton="false">
<property name="menuService" ref="menuService"/>
<!-- 2) The job detail -->
<object name="checkMenuIsHealthyJobDetail" type="Spring.Scheduling.Quartz.JobDetailObject, Spring.Scheduling.Quartz">
<property name="JobType" value="Munch.Service.ScheduledTasks.CheckMenuIsHealthyJob"/>
<property name="JobDataAsMap">
<entry key="HowManyMenuItemsIsOK" value="20" />