Вот ссылка на PDF, который выглядит точно так же, как ваше изображение:
Ссылка на файл этикетки штрих-кода embrasse-moi.com
И вот функция, которая его создала. Я использую tcpdf. Я создаю 3 строки текста, идентификатор, описание, цену, которую я ищу из моего подидида, так что этот код вам придется заменить. Я также передаю смещение строки / столбца для использования с avery5167, чтобы мы могли использовать все наклейки.
function printProductLabelsAvery5167($product_sub_ids, $quantities, $row_offset, $column_offset, $filename)
// Embrasse-moi.com
$pdf_file_name = $filename;
$subid = array();
$poc_title = array();
$color_price = array();
$pos_product_sub_id = $product_sub_ids[$i];
$pos_product_id = getProductIdFromProductSubId($pos_product_sub_id);
$subid[] = getProductSubIDName($pos_product_sub_id);
$poc_title[] = substr(getProductTitle($pos_product_id),0,48);
$color_price[] = substr(getProductSubIdColorDescription($pos_product_sub_id),0,38) . ' $' . number_format(getProductRetail($pos_product_id),2);
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$line_spacing_adjust = 0.015;
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$barcode_height_adjust = 0.05;
$title = 'Avery 5167 template';
$subject = 'PO # 123';
$keywords = 'purchase order 123';
$page_orientation = 'P';
$page_format = 'LETTER';
$unit = 'in';
// create new PDF document
$pdf = new TCPDF($page_orientation, $unit, $page_format, true, 'UTF-8', false);
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$pdf->SetSubject($subject );
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$preferences = array('PrintScaling' => 'None');
$pdf->SetFont('helvetica', 'R', 5);
//barcode: 128a?
// define barcode style
$barcode_style = array(
'position' => '',
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'stretchtext' => 0
// set border width
$counter = 0;
//calculating the pages.... how many labels are to be printed on the sheet...
//how many labels are going on the first sheet?
$first_page_number_of_spots = ($rows)*($columns-($column_offset-1)) -($row_offset-1);
$number_of_labels = sizeof($subid);
if($number_of_labels <= $first_page_number_of_spots)
$pages = 1;
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$number_of_spots_per_page = $rows*$columns;
$pages = ceil($labels_remaining/($number_of_spots_per_page)) + 1;
if($counter< sizeof($subid))
//barcodes must be cap
$line1 = strtoupper($subid[$counter]);
$line2 = $poc_title[$counter];
$line3 = $color_price[$counter];
$line1 = '';
$line2 = '';
$line3 = '';
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//this is the cell that will allow allignment to sticker checking
$pdf->SetXY($x_spot, $y_spot);
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// CODE 128 A
$pdf->SetXY($x_spot+$barcode_spacing_adjust, $y_spot);
//cell to check the barcode placement
$pdf->Cell($cell_width-2*$barcode_spacing_adjust, $cell_height/2, '', $border, 0, 'C', 0, '', 0, false, 'T', 'M');
$pdf->write1DBarcode($line1, 'C128A', $x_spot+$barcode_spacing_adjust, $y_spot+$barcode_height_adjust, $cell_width-2*$barcode_spacing_adjust, $cell_height/2 - $barcode_height_adjust, 0.4, $barcode_style, 'N');
//the remaining 3 lines have to fit in 1/2 the sticker size
//$y_offset = $cell_height/2;
$pdf->SetXY($x_spot, $y_spot - 0*$line_spacing_adjust + 3/6*$cell_height);
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//$pdf->writeHTMLCell($cell_width, $cell_height, $x_spot, $y_spot, $text_for_label, 1, 1, false, true, '', false);
// no work $pdf->MultiCell($cell_width, $cell_height, $text_for_label, 1, 'J', false, '','',true, 0, false, true, $cell_height, 'T', false);
$row_offset = 1;
$column_offset = 1;
//Close and output PDF document
$pdf->Output($pdf_file_name, 'D');