Это попытается определить, была ли указана временная метка или нет, а также вернет будущие даты / время в виде отрицательных значений:
function time_diff($start, $end = NULL, $convert_to_timestamp = FALSE) {
// If $convert_to_timestamp is not explicitly set to TRUE,
// check to see if it was accidental:
if ($convert_to_timestamp || !is_numeric($start)) {
// If $convert_to_timestamp is TRUE, convert to timestamp:
$timestamp_start = strtotime($start);
else {
// Otherwise, leave it as a timestamp:
$timestamp_start = $start;
// Same as above, but make sure $end has actually been overridden with a non-null,
// non-empty, non-numeric value:
if (!is_null($end) && (!empty($end) && !is_numeric($end))) {
$timestamp_end = strtotime($end);
else {
// If $end is NULL or empty and non-numeric value, assume the end time desired
// is the current time (useful for age, etc):
$timestamp_end = time();
// Regardless, set the start and end times to an integer:
$start_time = (int) $timestamp_start;
$end_time = (int) $timestamp_end;
// Assign these values as the params for $then and $now:
$start_time_var = 'start_time';
$end_time_var = 'end_time';
// Use this to determine if the output is positive (time passed) or negative (future):
$pos_neg = 1;
// If the end time is at a later time than the start time, do the opposite:
if ($end_time <= $start_time) {
$start_time_var = 'end_time';
$end_time_var = 'start_time';
$pos_neg = -1;
// Convert everything to the proper format, and do some math:
$then = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $$start_time_var));
$now = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $$end_time_var));
$years_then = $then->format('Y');
$years_now = $now->format('Y');
$years = $years_now - $years_then;
$months_then = $then->format('m');
$months_now = $now->format('m');
$months = $months_now - $months_then;
$days_then = $then->format('d');
$days_now = $now->format('d');
$days = $days_now - $days_then;
$hours_then = $then->format('H');
$hours_now = $now->format('H');
$hours = $hours_now - $hours_then;
$minutes_then = $then->format('i');
$minutes_now = $now->format('i');
$minutes = $minutes_now - $minutes_then;
$seconds_then = $then->format('s');
$seconds_now = $now->format('s');
$seconds = $seconds_now - $seconds_then;
if ($seconds < 0) {
$minutes -= 1;
$seconds += 60;
if ($minutes < 0) {
$hours -= 1;
$minutes += 60;
if ($hours < 0) {
$days -= 1;
$hours += 24;
$months_last = $months_now - 1;
if ($months_now == 1) {
$years_now -= 1;
$months_last = 12;
// "Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November" ;)
if ($months_last == 9 || $months_last == 4 || $months_last == 6 || $months_last == 11) {
$days_last_month = 30;
else if ($months_last == 2) {
// Factor in leap years:
if (($years_now % 4) == 0) {
$days_last_month = 29;
else {
$days_last_month = 28;
else {
$days_last_month = 31;
if ($days < 0) {
$months -= 1;
$days += $days_last_month;
if ($months < 0) {
$years -= 1;
$months += 12;
// Finally, multiply each value by either 1 (in which case it will stay the same),
// or by -1 (in which case it will become negative, for future dates).
// Note: 0 * 1 == 0 * -1 == 0
$out = new stdClass;
$out->years = (int) $years * $pos_neg;
$out->months = (int) $months * $pos_neg;
$out->days = (int) $days * $pos_neg;
$out->hours = (int) $hours * $pos_neg;
$out->minutes = (int) $minutes * $pos_neg;
$out->seconds = (int) $seconds * $pos_neg;
return $out;
Пример использования:
$birthday = 'June 2, 1971';
$check_age_for_this_date = 'June 3, 1999 8:53pm';
$age = time_diff($birthday, $check_age_for_this_date)->years;
print $age;// 28
$christmas_2020 = 'December 25, 2020';
$countdown = time_diff($christmas_2020);