ClassPathResource.getFile () создает исключение FileNotFoundException. Вот фрагмент кода:
ClassPathResource emsInitResource = new ClassPathResource("");
Properties props = loadProps(emsInitResource.getFile());"found '' on classpath, processing...");
emsHome = props.getProperty("ems.home");
if (emsHome != null) {"'ems.home' property initialized from '' as '" + emsHome + "'");
FilenameFilter ff = new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
return name.startsWith("messages_") && name.endsWith(".properties");
File[] messagePropsFiles = emsInitResource.getFile().getParentFile().listFiles(ff);
String locales = "en";
for (File f : messagePropsFiles) {
int endIndex = f.getName().indexOf('.');
String localeCode = f.getName().substring(9, endIndex);
locales += "," + localeCode;
}"locales available configured are '" + locales + "'");
props.setProperty("ems.locales", locales);
И исключение:
9:38:04,902 INFO [STDOUT] Caused by: class path resource [] cannot be resolved to absolute file path because it does not reside in the file system: vfs:/home/tanmoy/JBoss/jboss-as-distribution-6.0.0.Final/server/default/deploy/EMS.war/WEB-INF/classes/
19:38:04,902 INFO [STDOUT] at org.springframework.util.ResourceUtils.getFile(
19:38:04,902 INFO [STDOUT] at
19:38:04,902 INFO [STDOUT] at info.ems.config.EMSConfigurer.configureEMS(
19:38:04,902 INFO [STDOUT] at info.ems.config.EMSConfigurer.postProcessBeanFactory(
Но в WAR присутствует файл /WEB-INF/classes/ Как я могу решить эту проблему? Спасибо.