Ниже предполагается, что все таблицы похожи. Также можно выбрать подмножество столбцов, которые похожи в каждой таблице, без использования DBMS_SQL . Я также обратил некоторое внимание на SQL-инъекцию, упомянутую Олли.
create table so9at (
id number(1),
data varchar2(5)
insert into so9at values (1, 'A-AAA');
insert into so9at values (2, 'A-BBB');
insert into so9at values (3, 'A-CCC');
create table so9bt (
id number(1),
data varchar2(5)
insert into so9bt values (5, 'B-AAA');
insert into so9bt values (6, 'B-BBB');
insert into so9bt values (7, 'B-CCC');
create table secret_identities (
cover_name varchar2(20),
real_name varchar2(20)
insert into secret_identities values ('Batman', 'Bruce Wayne');
insert into secret_identities values ('Superman', 'Clark Kent');
/* This is a semi-secure version immune to certain kind of SQL injections. Note
that it can be still used to find information about any table that ends with
't'. */
create or replace function cursor_of (p_table_id in varchar2)
return sys_refcursor as
v_cur sys_refcursor;
v_stmt constant varchar2(32767) := 'select * from ' || dbms_assert.qualified_sql_name(p_table_id || 't');
open v_cur for v_stmt;
return v_cur;
show errors
/* This is an unsecure version vulnerable to SQL injection. */
create or replace function vulnerable_cursor_of (p_table_id in varchar2)
return sys_refcursor as
v_cur sys_refcursor;
v_stmt constant varchar2(32767) := 'select * from ' || p_table_id || 't';
open v_cur for v_stmt;
return v_cur;
show errors
create or replace procedure print_values_of (p_cur in sys_refcursor) as
type rec_t is record (
id number,
data varchar2(32767)
v_rec rec_t;
fetch p_cur into v_rec;
while p_cur%found loop
dbms_output.put_line('id = ' || v_rec.id || ' data = ' || v_rec.data);
fetch p_cur into v_rec;
end loop;
show errors
v_cur sys_refcursor;
v_cur := cursor_of('so9a');
close v_cur;
v_cur := cursor_of('so9b');
close v_cur;
/* SQL injection vulnerability */
v_cur := vulnerable_cursor_of('secret_identities --');
dbms_output.put_line('Now we have a cursor that reveals all secret identities. Just see DBMS_SQL.DESCRIBE_COLUMNS ...');
close v_cur;
/* SQL injection made (mostly) harmless - will throw ORA-44004: invalid qualified SQL name */
v_cur := cursor_of('secret_identities --');
close v_cur;