Если папки, содержащие интересные файлы, являются подпапками вашего устаревшего каталога, вы можете использовать вложенный цикл:
Dim sDFolder : sDFolder = "..\data\20110105"
Dim dicFiNa : Set dicFiNa = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dicFiNa("1.txt") = ""
dicFiNa("3.txt") = ""
dicFiNa("5.txt") = ""
Dim oRDir : Set oRDir = goFS.GetFolder(sDFolder)
Dim oSDir
For Each oSDir In oRDir.SubFolders
Dim oFile
For Each oFile In oSDir.Files
WScript.Echo "looking at", oFile.Path
If dicFiNa.Exists(oFile.Name) Then
WScript.Echo "found", oFile.Name, "will copy"
End If
looking at E:\trials\SoTrials\answers\8750206\data\20110105\whatever\6.txt
looking at E:\trials\SoTrials\answers\8750206\data\20110105\whatever\5.txt
found 5.txt will copy
looking at E:\trials\SoTrials\answers\8750206\data\20110105\unknown\4.txt
looking at E:\trials\SoTrials\answers\8750206\data\20110105\unknown\3.txt
found 3.txt will copy
looking at E:\trials\SoTrials\answers\8750206\data\20110105\puzzle\2.txt
looking at E:\trials\SoTrials\answers\8750206\data\20110105\puzzle\1.txt
found 1.txt will copy
Полная рекурсивная прогулка будет немного более сложной, так что, скажем так, если вам это нужно.
Просто для удовольствия: рекурсивная версия:
Dim sDFolder : sDFolder = "..\data\20110105"
Dim dicFiNa : Set dicFiNa = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dicFiNa("1.txt") = ""
dicFiNa("3.txt") = ""
dicFiNa("55.txt") = ""
Dim oRDir : Set oRDir = goFS.GetFolder(sDFolder)
walk oRDir, dicFiNa, "whatever you need to copy the files"
Sub walk(oDir, dicFiNa, vCargo)
Dim oItem
For Each oItem In oDir.Files
WScript.Echo "looking at", oItem.Path
If dicFiNa.Exists(oItem.Name) Then
WScript.Echo "found", oItem.Name, "will copy"
End If
For Each oItem In oDir.SubFolders
walk oItem, dicFiNa, vCargo
End Sub
looking at E:\trials\SoTrials\answers\8750206\data\20110105\whatever\6.txt
looking at E:\trials\SoTrials\answers\8750206\data\20110105\whatever\5.txt
looking at E:\trials\SoTrials\answers\8750206\data\20110105\unknown\4.txt
looking at E:\trials\SoTrials\answers\8750206\data\20110105\unknown\3.txt
found 3.txt will copy *
looking at E:\trials\SoTrials\answers\8750206\data\20110105\puzzle\2.txt
looking at E:\trials\SoTrials\answers\8750206\data\20110105\puzzle\1.txt
found 1.txt will copy *
looking at E:\trials\SoTrials\answers\8750206\data\20110105\puzzle\deep\deeper\55.txt
found 55.txt will copy *
(*), как только проблема с разрешением будет решена.