проверьте это API, это поможет вам
$order = commerce_cart_order_load($uid);
// Get the order for user just logged in.
$order_authenticated = reset(commerce_order_load_multiple(array(), array('uid' => $this->store_customer->uid, 'status' => 'cart'), TRUE));
//update the order status
$form_state['order'] = commerce_order_status_update($order, 'checkout_checkout', TRUE);
// Load the order status object for the current order.
$order_status = commerce_order_status_load($order->status);
$profile = commerce_customer_profile_load($order->data['profiles'][$checkout_pane['pane_id']]);
$order = commerce_order_load($order->order_id);
// Give other modules a chance to alter the order statuses.
drupal_alter('commerce_order_status_info', $order_statuses);
$order_state = commerce_order_state_load($order_status['state']);
// Load the line items for temporary storage in the form array.
$line_items = commerce_line_item_load_multiple($line_item_ids);
// load line item
//load the commerce product
$product = commerce_product_load($product_id)
// Load the referenced products.
$products = commerce_product_load_multiple($product_ids);