Я пытаюсь скомпилировать этот фрагмент кода, найденный ниже.
Однако я получил сообщение об ошибке «Значение инициализации должно быть константным выражением.» В каждой строке определений iteminfo_fields, armsinfo_fields и projectileinfo_fields, кроме последней строки каждой «{NULL, 0, 0}»
Я предполагаю, что это из ITEMINFO_OFS (), WEAPON_OFS (), PROJECTILE_OFS ().
Я пытаюсь понять эти три строки:
#define WEAPON_OFS(x) (size_t)&(((weaponinfo_t *)0)->x)
#define PROJECTILE_OFS(x) (size_t)&(((projectileinfo_t *)0)->x)
#define ITEMINFO_OFS(x) (size_t)&(((iteminfo_t *)0)->x)
Но я действительно не могу понять, как они работают ... ???
Мне нужна помощь, разбирая их. Кто-нибудь может их прочитать и переписать в более простой форме?
#define WEAPON_OFS(x) (size_t)&(((weaponinfo_t *)0)->x)
#define PROJECTILE_OFS(x) (size_t)&(((projectileinfo_t *)0)->x)
#define ITEMINFO_OFS(x) (size_t)&(((iteminfo_t *)0)->x)
fielddef_t iteminfo_fields[] =
{"name", ITEMINFO_OFS(name), FT_STRING},
{"model", ITEMINFO_OFS(model), FT_STRING},
{"modelindex", ITEMINFO_OFS(modelindex), FT_INT},
{"type", ITEMINFO_OFS(type), FT_INT},
{"index", ITEMINFO_OFS(index), FT_INT},
{"respawntime", ITEMINFO_OFS(respawntime), FT_FLOAT},
{"mins", ITEMINFO_OFS(mins), FT_FLOAT|FT_ARRAY, 3},
{"maxs", ITEMINFO_OFS(maxs), FT_FLOAT|FT_ARRAY, 3},
{NULL, 0, 0}
//weapon definition
static fielddef_t weaponinfo_fields[] =
{"number", WEAPON_OFS(number), FT_INT}, //weapon number
{"name", WEAPON_OFS(name),FT_STRING}, //name of the weapon
{"level", WEAPON_OFS(level), FT_INT},
{"model", WEAPON_OFS(model), T_STRING}, //model of the weapon
{"weaponindex", WEAPON_OFS(weaponindex), FT_INT},//index of weapon in inventory
{"flags", WEAPON_OFS(flags), FT_INT},//special flags
{"projectile", WEAPON_OFS(projectile), FT_STRING},//projectile used by the weapon
{"numprojectiles", WEAPON_OFS(numprojectiles), FT_INT}, //number of projectiles
{"hspread", WEAPON_OFS(hspread), FT_FLOAT},//horizontal spread of projectiles (degrees from middle)
{"vspread", WEAPON_OFS(vspread), FT_FLOAT},//vertical spread of projectiles (degrees from middle)
{"speed", WEAPON_OFS(speed), FT_FLOAT}, //speed of the projectile (0 = instant hit)
{"acceleration", WEAPON_OFS(acceleration), FT_FLOAT},//"acceleration" * time (in seconds) + "speed" = projectile speed
{"recoil", WEAPON_OFS(recoil), FT_FLOAT|FT_ARRAY, 3},//amount of recoil the player gets from the weapon
{"offset", WEAPON_OFS(offset), FT_FLOAT|FT_ARRAY, 3},//projectile start offset relative to eye and view angles
{"angleoffset", WEAPON_OFS(angleoffset), FT_FLOAT|FT_ARRAY, 3},//offset of the shoot angles relative to the view angles
{"extrazvelocity", WEAPON_OFS(extrazvelocity), FT_FLOAT},//extra z velocity the projectile gets
{"ammoamount", WEAPON_OFS(ammoamount), FT_INT}, //ammo amount used per shot
{"ammoindex", WEAPON_OFS(ammoindex), FT_INT}, //index of ammo in inventory
{"activate", WEAPON_OFS(activate), FT_FLOAT}, //time it takes to select the weapon
{"reload", WEAPON_OFS(reload), FT_FLOAT}, //time it takes to reload the weapon
{"spinup", WEAPON_OFS(spinup), FT_FLOAT}, //time it takes before first shot
{"spindown", WEAPON_OFS(spindown), FT_FLOAT}, //time it takes before weapon stops firing
{NULL, 0, 0, 0}
//projectile definition
static fielddef_t projectileinfo_fields[] =
{"name", PROJECTILE_OFS(name), FT_STRING},//name of the projectile
{"model", WEAPON_OFS(model), FT_STRING},//model of the projectile
{"flags", PROJECTILE_OFS(flags), FT_INT},//special flags
{"gravity", PROJECTILE_OFS(gravity), FT_FLOAT}, //amount of gravity applied to the projectile [0,1]
{"damage", PROJECTILE_OFS(damage), FT_INT},//damage of the projectile
{"radius", PROJECTILE_OFS(radius), FT_FLOAT},//radius of damage
{"visdamage", PROJECTILE_OFS(visdamage), FT_INT},//damage of the projectile to visible entities
{"damagetype", PROJECTILE_OFS(damagetype), FT_INT},//type of damage (combination of the DAMAGETYPE_? flags)
{"healthinc", PROJECTILE_OFS(healthinc), FT_INT},//health increase the owner gets
{"push", PROJECTILE_OFS(push), FT_FLOAT},//amount a player is pushed away from the projectile impact
{"detonation", PROJECTILE_OFS(detonation), FT_FLOAT},//time before projectile explodes after fire pressed
{"bounce", PROJECTILE_OFS(bounce), FT_FLOAT}, //amount the projectile bounces
{"bouncefric", PROJECTILE_OFS(bouncefric), FT_FLOAT}, //amount the bounce decreases per bounce
{"bouncestop", PROJECTILE_OFS(bouncestop), FT_FLOAT},//minimum bounce value before bouncing stops
//recurive projectile definition??
{NULL, 0, 0, 0}
Моя ситуация немного сложна в данный момент. Тем не мение,
Я не знаю название компилятора. Среда является Linux tho.
Это не мой код, но мне нужно его скомпилировать.