Возможно использовать прагматично - пожалуйста, следуйте этим шагам
1) Создайте эту библиотеку с помощью ControllerList.php и сохраните в application / library каталог.
Библиотека -
if (!defined('BASEPATH'))
exit('No direct script access allowed');
class ControllerList {
* Codeigniter reference
private $CI;
* Array that will hold the controller names and methods
private $aControllers;
// Construct
function __construct() {
// Get Codeigniter instance
$this->CI = get_instance();
// Get all controllers
* Return all controllers and their methods
* @return array
public function getControllers() {
return $this->aControllers;
* Set the array holding the controller name and methods
public function setControllerMethods($p_sControllerName, $p_aControllerMethods) {
$this->aControllers[$p_sControllerName] = $p_aControllerMethods;
* Search and set controller and methods.
private function setControllers() {
// Loop through the controller directory
foreach(glob(APPPATH . 'controllers/*') as $controller) {
// if the value in the loop is a directory loop through that directory
if(is_dir($controller)) {
// Get name of directory
$dirname = basename($controller, EXT);
// Loop through the subdirectory
foreach(glob(APPPATH . 'controllers/'.$dirname.'/*') as $subdircontroller) {
// Get the name of the subdir
$subdircontrollername = basename($subdircontroller, EXT);
// Load the controller file in memory if it's not load already
if(!class_exists($subdircontrollername)) {
// Add the controllername to the array with its methods
$aMethods = get_class_methods($subdircontrollername);
$aUserMethods = array();
foreach($aMethods as $method) {
if($method != '__construct' && $method != 'get_instance' && $method != $subdircontrollername) {
$aUserMethods[] = $method;
$this->setControllerMethods($subdircontrollername, $aUserMethods);
else if(pathinfo($controller, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == "php"){
// value is no directory get controller name
$controllername = basename($controller, EXT);
// Load the class in memory (if it's not loaded already)
if(!class_exists($controllername)) {
// Add controller and methods to the array
$aMethods = get_class_methods($controllername);
$aUserMethods = array();
foreach($aMethods as $method) {
if($method != '__construct' && $method != 'get_instance' && $method != $controllername) {
$aUserMethods[] = $method;
$this->setControllerMethods($controllername, $aUserMethods);
2) Теперь загрузите эту библиотеку и используя ее, вы можете выбрать все контроллеры и методы соответственно.
Вывод будет таким -
[academic] => Array
[0] => index
[1] => addno
[2] => addgrade
[3] => viewRecordByStudent
[4] => editStudentRecord
[5] => viewRecordByClass
[6] => viewRecordByTest
[7] => viewGradeByClass
[8] => editGrade
[9] => issueMarksheet
[10] => viewIssueMarksheet
[11] => checkRecordStatus
[12] => checkRecordData
[13] => checkStudentRecordData
[14] => insertGrades
[15] => updateGrades
[16] => updateRecords
[17] => insertStudentNo
[18] => getRecordDataByStudent
[19] => getRecordDataByClass
[20] => getGradesDataByClass
[21] => deleteGrades
[22] => insertIssueMarksheet
[23] => getIssuedMarksheets
[24] => printMarksheet
[attendance] => Array
[0] => index
[1] => holidays
[2] => deleteHoliday
[3] => addHoliday
[4] => applications
[5] => deleteApplication
[6] => addApplication
[7] => insertApplication
[8] => applcationByClass
[9] => applcationByPeriod
[10] => applcationByStudent
[11] => getApplicationsByClass
[12] => getApplicationsByPeriod
[13] => getApplicationsByStudent
[14] => attendanceforstudent
[15] => attendanceforfaculty
[16] => getStudentsForAttendance
[17] => feedStudentAttendance
[18] => sendAbsentStudents
[19] => particularStudent
[20] => monthlyWiseStudents
[21] => dailyAttedance
[22] => feedFacultyAttendance
[23] => particularFaculty
[24] => monthlyWiseFaculty
[25] => editStudentAttendance
[26] => updateStudentAttendance
Пожалуйста, примените это и дайте мне знать, если у вас есть какие-либо проблемы.