Самый важный фрагмент кода для этого: добавьте обработчики событий в статическом UIElement.MouseLeftButtonUpEvent:
middleInnerControl.AddHandler(UIElement.MouseLeftButtonUpEvent , new RoutedEventHandler(handleInner)); //adds the handler for a click event on the most out
mostOuterControl.AddHandler(UIElement.MouseLeftButtonUpEvent , new RoutedEventHandler(handleMostOuter)); //adds the handler for a click event on the most out
private void handleInner(object asd, RoutedEventArgs e)
InnerControl c = e.OriginalSource as InnerControl;
if (c != null)
//do whatever
e.Handled = false; // do not set handle to true --> bubbles further
private void handleMostOuter(object asd, RoutedEventArgs e)
InnerControl c = e.OriginalSource as InnerControl;
if (c != null)
//do whatever
e.Handled = true; // set handled = true, it wont bubble further