Вот общее решение, которое может быть применено вдоль оси, независимо от значений, с использованием чисто NumPy.Я также обнаружил, что это намного быстрее, чем scipy.stats.mode, если есть много уникальных значений.
import numpy
def mode(ndarray, axis=0):
# Check inputs
ndarray = numpy.asarray(ndarray)
ndim = ndarray.ndim
if ndarray.size == 1:
return (ndarray[0], 1)
elif ndarray.size == 0:
raise Exception('Cannot compute mode on empty array')
axis = range(ndarray.ndim)[axis]
raise Exception('Axis "{}" incompatible with the {}-dimension array'.format(axis, ndim))
# If array is 1-D and numpy version is > 1.9 numpy.unique will suffice
if all([ndim == 1,
int(numpy.__version__.split('.')[0]) >= 1,
int(numpy.__version__.split('.')[1]) >= 9]):
modals, counts = numpy.unique(ndarray, return_counts=True)
index = numpy.argmax(counts)
return modals[index], counts[index]
# Sort array
sort = numpy.sort(ndarray, axis=axis)
# Create array to transpose along the axis and get padding shape
transpose = numpy.roll(numpy.arange(ndim)[::-1], axis)
shape = list(sort.shape)
shape[axis] = 1
# Create a boolean array along strides of unique values
strides = numpy.concatenate([numpy.zeros(shape=shape, dtype='bool'),
numpy.diff(sort, axis=axis) == 0,
numpy.zeros(shape=shape, dtype='bool')],
# Count the stride lengths
counts = numpy.cumsum(strides)
counts[~strides] = numpy.concatenate([[0], numpy.diff(counts[~strides])])
counts[strides] = 0
# Get shape of padded counts and slice to return to the original shape
shape = numpy.array(sort.shape)
shape[axis] += 1
shape = shape[transpose]
slices = [slice(None)] * ndim
slices[axis] = slice(1, None)
# Reshape and compute final counts
counts = counts.reshape(shape).transpose(transpose)[slices] + 1
# Find maximum counts and return modals/counts
slices = [slice(None, i) for i in sort.shape]
del slices[axis]
index = numpy.ogrid[slices]
index.insert(axis, numpy.argmax(counts, axis=axis))
return sort[index], counts[index]