Не печатать массив - PullRequest

Не печатать массив

2 голосов
/ 13 февраля 2012

Я просто понятия не имею, когда я делаю тестовый прогон этого контроллера, он не печатает $ user_data. Я не понимаю, почему это не так. Кто-нибудь еще? Потому что ясно, что я хочу сделать - сопоставить ввод с тем, что хранится в базе данных.


<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Activate extends CI_Controller 

public function __construct()

public function index($param1 = NULL, $param2 = NULL)
    //Config Defaults Start
    $msgBoxMsgs = array();//msgType = dl, info, warn, note, msg
    $cssPageAddons = '';//If you have extra CSS for this view append it here
    $jsPageAddons = '<script src="http://www.kansasoutlawwrestling.com/kowmanager/assets/js/activatevalidate.js"></script>';//If you have extra JS for this view append it here
    $metaAddons = '';//Sometimes there is a need for additional Meta Data such in the case of Facebook addon's
    $siteTitle = '';//alter only if you need something other than the default for this view.
    //Config Defaults Start

    //examples of how to use the message box system (css not included).
    //$msgBoxMsgs[] = array('msgType' => 'dl', 'theMsg' => 'This is a Blank Message Box...');

    /**********************************************************Your Coding Logic Here, Start*/

    $x = 0;
    if(($param1 !== NULL)&&($param2 !== NULL))

        //params not null yay..
        if((isset($param1))&&((trim($param1) !== '')||(!empty($param1))))
        if((isset($param2))&&((trim($param2) !== '')||(!empty($param2))))
            if(!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/', $param2))

        if($x !== 0)
           $bodyContent = "error_page";
           $bodyContent = "activate_form";

        $bodyContent = "error_page";

    $bodyType = "full";//type of template

    /***********************************************************Your Coding Logic Here, End*/

    //Double checks if any default variables have been changed, Start.
    //If msgBoxMsgs array has anything in it, if so displays it in view, else does nothing.      
    if(count($msgBoxMsgs) !== 0)
        $msgBoxes = $this->msgboxes->buildMsgBoxesOutput(array('display' => 'show', 'msgs' =>$msgBoxMsgs));
        $msgBoxes = array('display' => 'none');

    if($siteTitle == '')
        $siteTitle = $this->metatags->SiteTitle(); //reads 

    //Double checks if any default variables have been changed, End.

    $this->data['msgBoxes'] = $msgBoxes;
    $this->data['cssPageAddons'] = $cssPageAddons;//if there is any additional CSS to add from above Variable this will send it to the view.
    $this->data['jsPageAddons'] = $jsPageAddons;//if there is any addictional JS to add from the above variable this will send it to the view.
    $this->data['metaAddons'] = $metaAddons;//if there is any addictional meta data to add from the above variable this will send it to the view.
    $this->data['pageMetaTags'] = $this->metatags->MetaTags();//defaults can be changed via models/metatags.php
    $this->data['siteTitle'] = $siteTitle;//defaults can be changed via models/metatags.php
    $this->data['bodyType'] = $bodyType;
    $this->data['bodyContent'] = $bodyContent;
    $this->load->view('usermanagement/index', $this->data);

function activate_submit()
    $this->form_validation->set_rules('password', 'Password', 'trim|required|xss_clean|min_length[6]|max_length[12]|alpha_numeric');
    $this->form_validation->set_rules('user_id', 'User ID', 'trim|required|xss_clean|numeric');
    $this->form_validation->set_rules('registration_key', 'Registration Key', 'trim|required|xss_clean|alpha_numeric');

    if (!$this->form_validation->run()) 
        echo json_encode(array('error' => 'yes', 'message' => 'There was a problem submitting the form! Please refresh the window and try again!'));    
        if ($this->kow_auth->activate_user($this->input->post('user_id'), $this->input->post('registration_key'), $this->input->post('password'))) 
            echo json_encode(array('sucess' => 'yes', 'message' => 'Your account has been successfully activated!'));
            echo json_encode(array('error' => 'yes', 'message' => 'The activation code you entered is incorrect or expired!'));


/* End of file activate.php */ 
/* Location: ./application/controllers/activate.php */


function activate_user($user_id, $registration_key, $password)

    if ((strlen($user_id) > 0) AND (strlen($registration_key) > 0)) 
        $user_data = $this->ci->users->get_user_by_user_id($user_id);
        $genPassHash = $this->ci->genfunc->GenPassHash($password);
        echo '<br />';

        if ($user_data['password'] == $genPassHash[0])
            return $this->ci->users->activate_user($user_id, $registration_key, $reGenFromPostPW[]);
            return false;                
        return false;

Кто-нибудь видит, что я делаю неправильно, чтобы не печатать массив.

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 14 февраля 2012

Это была проблема с функцией purge_na. Он продолжал удалять пользователей, включая того, кто пытался активировать их, прежде чем активировать.

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