Я получаю следующую ошибку:
Couldn't match expected type `Double' with actual type `Int'
In the fourth argument of `regularPolygonHelper', namely `theta'
In the expression: regularPolygonHelper n s 0 theta r
In an equation for `regularPolygon':
regularPolygon n s
= regularPolygonHelper n s 0 theta r
r = s / 2.0 * (sin (pi / n))
theta = (2.0 * pi) / n
в следующем коде:
data Shape = Rectangle Side Side
| Ellipse Radius Radius
| RTTriangle Side Side
| Polygon [Vertex]
deriving Show
type Radius = Float
type Side = Float
type Vertex = (Float, Float)
square s = Rectangle s s
circle r = Ellipse r r
regularPolygon :: Int -> Side -> Shape
regularPolygon n s = regularPolygonHelper n s 0 theta r
where r = s / 2.0 * (sin (pi / n))
theta = (2.0 * pi) / n
regularPolygonHelper :: Int -> Side -> Int -> Double -> Double -> Shape
regularPolygonHelper 0 s i theta r = Polygon []
regularPolygonHelper n s i theta r =
(r * cos (i * theta), r * sin (i * theta)) :
(regularPolygonHelper (n - 1) s (i + 1) theta r)
Почему это? Разве (2.0 * pi) / n
не двойной?