GWT в действии, 2ed (MEAP), с.218 говорит о том, что мы можем ссылаться на серверные классы в аннотациях, таких как @ProxyFor в клиентском коде.Это логично, и я ожидаю ... однако я получаю исключения от компилятора gwt:
Validating newly compiled units
[ant:java] Errors in 'file:/C:/git/mvp_ap_test/src/de/mycompany/client/'
[ant:java] Line 9: The import de.mycompany.server.AnnotatedRfqServiceLocator cannot be resolved
[ant:java] Line 10: The import de.mycompany.server.dao.AnnotatedRfqService cannot be resolved
[ant:java] Line 15: AnnotatedRfqService cannot be resolved to a type
[ant:java] Line 15: AnnotatedRfqServiceLocator cannot be resolved to a type
[ant:java] Line 15: Class<AnnotatedRfqServiceLocator> cannot be resolved to a type
[ant:java] Errors in 'file:/C:/git/mvp_ap_test/src/de/mycompany/client/proxy/'
[ant:java] Line 9: The import de.mycompany.server.AnnotatedRfqServiceLocator cannot be resolved
[ant:java] Line 10: The import de.mycompany.server.domain.AnnotatedRfq cannot be resolved
[ant:java] Line 12: AnnotatedRfq cannot be resolved to a type
[ant:java] Line 12: AnnotatedRfqServiceLocator cannot be resolved to a type
[ant:java] Line 12: Class<AnnotatedRfqServiceLocator> cannot be resolved to a type
[ant:java] Errors in 'file:/C:/git/mvp_ap_test/src/de/mycompany/client/proxy/'
[ant:java] Line 6: The import de.mycompany.server.domain.Annotation cannot be resolved
[ant:java] Line 8: Annotation cannot be resolved to a type
[ant:java] Removing invalidated units
Я не ссылаюсь ни на какие классы на стороне сервера, кроме аннотаций:
package de.mycompany.client;
import de.mycompany.client.proxy.AnnotatedRfqProxy;
import de.mycompany.server.AnnotatedRfqServiceLocator;
import de.mycompany.server.dao.AnnotatedRfqService;
public interface AppRequestFactory extends RequestFactory {
AnnotatedRfqRequest annotatedRfqRequest();
@Service(value = AnnotatedRfqService.class, locator = AnnotatedRfqServiceLocator.class)
public interface AnnotatedRfqRequest extends RequestContext {
Request<AnnotatedRfqProxy> findOne(String id);