Привет У меня есть следующий класс модели страницы.
public class CarModel extends PageModel {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4766706536002862335L;
private String name;
private String description;
@RequiredStringValidator(type = ValidatorType.FIELD, key = "errors.required.name", trim = true)
public String getName() {
return this.name;
public void setName(final String name) {
this.name = name;
@RequiredStringValidator(type = ValidatorType.FIELD, key = "errors.required.description", trim = true)
public String getDescription() {
return this.description;
public void setDescription(final String description) {
this.description = description;
У меня есть класс действий.
@Component(value = "CarAction")
@Namespace(value = "/car")
@Action(value = "/car")
@ExceptionMapping(exception = "com.cars.AutomobileException", result = ".page.car")
@Result(name = "success", type = "tiles", location = ".page.car")
public class CarAction extends BaseAction implements ParameterAware {
private CarModel pageModel;
@Action(value = "/add", results = @Result(name = "addResult", params = { "actionName",
"addResult" }, type = "chain"))
@InputConfig(methodName = "execute")
@Validations(visitorFields = { @VisitorFieldValidator(shortCircuit = true, message = "Their are errors to be corrected", fieldName = "pageModel") })
public String add() {
return SUCCESS;
вот мое базовое действие.
@InterceptorRef(value = "createSession"),
@InterceptorRef(value = "tokenSession", params = { "includeMethods", "add,addResult" }),
@InterceptorRef(value = "exception"),
@InterceptorRef(value = "alias"),
@InterceptorRef(value = "i18n"),
@InterceptorRef(value = "chain"),
@InterceptorRef(value = "timer"),
@InterceptorRef(value = "logger"),
@InterceptorRef(value = "checkbox"),
@InterceptorRef(value = "staticParams"),
@InterceptorRef(value = "actionMappingParams"),
@InterceptorRef(value = "params", params = { "excludeParams", "dojo\\..*,^struts\\..*" }),
@InterceptorRef(value = "conversionError"),
@InterceptorRef(value = "validation", params = { "excludeMethods", "cancel,execute,reset,next,previous,updateItemPerPage,goToPage,browse", "validateAnnotatedMethodOnly", "true" }),
@InterceptorRef(value = "annotationWorkflow", params = { "excludeMethods", "input,back,cancel,browse" }),
@InterceptorRef(value = "execAndWait") })
@ExceptionMapping(exception = "org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException", result = "..page.data.error"),
@ExceptionMapping(result = ".page.servlet.error", exception = "javax.servlet.ServletException"),
@ExceptionMapping(result = ".page.runtime.error", exception = "java.lang.NullPointerException"),
@ExceptionMapping(result = ".page.runtime.error", exception = "java.lang.outOfMemory"),
@ExceptionMapping(result = ".page.runtime.error", exception = "java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException"),
@ExceptionMapping(result = ".page.runtime.error", exception = "java.lang.ArithmeticException") })
@Result(name = "invalid.token", location = ".page.runtime.error", type = "tiles"),
@Result(name = "wait", location = ".page.wait", type = "tiles") })
public abstract class BaseAction extends ActionSupport {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5898754579799304669L;
в моем тесте junit
this.request.setParameter("name", "FD");
final ActionProxy proxy = this.getActionProxy("/car/car");
final CarAction carAction = CarAction.class.cast(proxy.getAction());
final CarModel pageModel = new CarModel(5);
Assert.assertEquals(carAction.execute(), Action.SUCCESS);
-- this is where it fails.
final Map<String, List<String>> fieldErrors = carAction.getFieldErrors();
Кто-нибудь знает, как получить проверку аннотации для запуска в тесте junit?