Без вашего кода для просмотра трудно помочь, но вот пример кода, который вам может пригодиться:
class myS3Helper{
public function getSignedImageLink($timeout = 1800, $my_aws_secretkey, $my_aws_key)
$now = new Zend_Date(); //Gives us a time object that is set to NOW
$now->setTimezone('UTC'); //Set to UTC a-la AWS requirements
$now->addSecond($timeout); //set the time in the time object to a point in the future
$expirationTime = $now->getTimestamp(); //returns unix timestamp representation of the time.
$signature = urlencode(
'sha1', $this->_generateStringToSign($expirationTime),
//Yes - this is ugly but hopefully readable
$url = 'https://';
$url .= Zend_Service_Amazon_S3::S3_ENDPOINT; //e.g s3.amazonaws.com
$url .= $this->_getImagePath(); //e.g /mybucket/myFirstCar.jpg
$url .='?AWSAccessKeyId=' . $my_aws_key;
$url .='&Signature=' . $signature; //signature as returned by below function
$url .='&Expires=' . $expirationTime;
return $url;
protected function _generateStringToSign($expires)
$string = "GET\n"; //Methods
$string .= "\n";
$string .= "\n";
$string .= "$expires\n"; //Expires
$string .= $this->_getImagePath();
return $string;