Не удалось развернуть dotcloud helloworld - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 17 сентября 2011

я следовал уроку урока dotcloud hello world установить, ввести ключ API, создать приложение и нажать и что я получаю:

$ dotcloud push helloworld
# upload /Users/user/src/dotCloud ssh://dotcloud@uploader.dotcloud.com:443/helloworld
# rsync
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
building file list ... done

sent 307 bytes  received 70 bytes  50.27 bytes/sec
total size is 149  speedup is 0.40
Deployment for "helloworld" triggered. Will be available in a few seconds.
2011-09-17 15:25:14 [api] Deploy helloworld scheduled for revision=latest
2011-09-17 15:25:14 [api] Waiting for the build. (It may take a few minutes)
2011-09-17 15:25:14 [www.0] Deploying...
2011-09-17 15:25:15 [www.0] Failed to be deployed, aborting...
2011-09-17 15:25:15 [api] Deploy finished

Deployment finished. Your application is available at the following URLs
error: No URL found.

1 Ответ

1 голос
/ 20 сентября 2011
sudo easy_install pip && sudo pip install --upgrade dotcloud

