Хорошо.Функция завершена.Он принимает метку времени Unix и возвращает YYYY-MM-DD.Это было все, что мне было нужно.Надеюсь, это кому-нибудь поможет ...
$t=1325522004;//return 2011-09-19
* Transform a Unix Timestamp to ISO 8601 Date format YYYY-MM-DD
* @param unix timestamp
* @return Returns a formated date (YYYY-MM-DD) or false
function unixToIso8601($timestamp){
if($timestamp<0){return false;}//Do not accept negative values
/* Too many constants, add this to a class to speed things up. */
$year=1970;//Unix Epoc begins 1970-01-01
$daysInYear=365;//Non Leap Year
$daysInLYear=$daysInYear+1;//Leap year
$days=(int)($timestamp/$dayInSeconds);//Days passed since UNIX Epoc
$tmpDays=$days+1;//If passed (timestamp < $dayInSeconds), it will return 0, so add 1
$monthsInDays=array();//Months will be in here ***Taken from the PHP source code***
$month=11;//This will be the returned MONTH NUMBER.
$day;//This will be the returned day number.
while($tmpDays>=$daysInYear){//Start adding years to 1970
if(isLeap($year)){//The year is a leap year
$tmpDays--;//Remove the extra day
break;//$month+1 is now the month number.
$day=$tmpDays-$monthsInDays[$month];//Setup the date
$month++;//Increment by one to give the accurate month
return $year.'-'.(($month<10)?'0'.$month:$month).'-'.(($day<10)?'0'.$day:$day);
function isLeap($y){
return (($y)%4==0&&(($y)%100!=0||($y)%400==0));
echo unixToIso8601($t);