Я написал простой скрипт SystemTap (на основе syscalls_by_pid.stp ).
Это производит вывод как это:
ProcessName #SysCalls
munin-graph 38609
munin-cron 8160
fping 4502
check_http_demo 2584
check_nrpe 2045
sh 1836
nagios 886
sendmail 747
smokeping 649
check_http 571
check_nt 376
pcscd 216
ping 108
check_ping 100
crond 87
stapio 69
init 56
syslog-ng 27
sshd 17
ntpd 9
hp-asrd 8
hald-addon-stor 7
automount 6
httpd 4
stap 3
flow-capture 2
gam_server 2
Total 61686
Сам скрипт:
#! /usr/bin/env stap
# Print the system call count by process name in descending order.
global syscalls
probe begin {
print ("Collecting data... Type Ctrl-C to exit and display results\n")
probe syscall.* {
probe end {
printf ("%-20s %-s\n\n", "ProcessName", "#SysCalls")
summary = 0
foreach (procname in syscalls-) {
printf("%-20s %-10d\n", procname, syscalls[procname])
summary = summary + syscalls[procname]
printf ("\n%-20s %-d\n", "Total", summary)