// Ребята, у меня проблемы с кодом, и я рвал на себе волосы, пытаясь решить эту проблему. Проблема в том, что я пытаюсь проверить свой код, чтобы он не рассчитывал отрицательные числа. Если кто-то может помочь сгладить эту программу, я был бы очень признателен. Пожалуйста.
// Целью программы калькулятора налогов будет использование программирования на С для расчета налога с продаж для каждого магазина Kudler Fine Food (DelMar, Encinitas и La Jolla)
// Стандартная обработка ввода / вывода
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//Starting point
int main ()
//Variables defined
//st = sales tax, tax rated = tr, pa = total purchase amount, sa = purchase amoount
float fstDelmar;
float ftrDelmar;
float fpaDelmar;
float fstEncinitas;
float ftrEncinitas;
float fpaEncinitas;
float fstLajolla;
float ftrLajolla;
float fpaLajolla;
float fsaPurchaseAmount;
int fStoreselect;
//Variable initializations for tax rates and purchase amount
ftrDelmar = .0725;
ftrEncinitas = .075;
ftrLajolla = .0775;
fsaPurchaseAmount = 0;
//Header & Introduction
printf("\n* Kudler Fine Foods *");
printf("\n* Sales Tax Calculator *");
printf("\n* Version 3.0 *");
//Ask user to select store.
printf ("\n STORE LOCATION \n");
printf ("\n 1) Del Mar \n");
printf ("\n 2) Encinitas \n");
printf ("\n 3) La Jolla \n");
printf ("\n Please select the store location (1-3): \n");
scanf ("%d", &fStoreselect);
//Validate store selection.
while (fStoreselect < 1 || fStoreselect > 3) {
fflush (fStoreselect);
printf ("INVALID SELECTION! Please select a valid location (1-3): \n");
scanf ("%d", &fStoreselect);
//Ask user to enter in total purchase amount.
printf ("\n What was your purchase amount? ");
scanf("$%f", &fsaPurchaseAmount); //user enters variable amount
//Validation to ensure that user's enter in purchase amounts using correct format.
while (fsaPurchaseAmount <= 0.0)
printf("\n INVALID SELECTION! Please enter a valid purchase amount greater than zero.\n");
printf("\n The purchase amount is: $ ");
scanf("%f", &fsaPurchaseAmount);
//Calculation of sales tax in dollars for each of the store locations
fstDelmar = fsaPurchaseAmount * ftrDelmar;
fstEncinitas = fsaPurchaseAmount * ftrEncinitas;
fstLajolla = fsaPurchaseAmount * ftrLajolla;
//Calculation of total sales amount for each of the locations
fpaDelmar = fsaPurchaseAmount + fstDelmar;
fpaEncinitas = fsaPurchaseAmount + fstEncinitas;
fpaLajolla = fsaPurchaseAmount + fstLajolla;
//Displaying sales amount for purchase for each of the different locations
switch (fStoreselect) {
case 1:
//for Delmar location
printf("\n Purchase Amount Sales Tax Total Sales Amount ");
printf("\n _______________ _________ _________________ ");
printf("\n $%.2f $%.2f $%.2f",fsaPurchaseAmount, fstDelmar, fpaDelmar);
case 2:
//for Encinitas location
printf("\n Purchase Amount Sales Tax Total Sales Amount ");
printf("\n _______________ _________ _________________ ");
printf("\n $%.2f $%.2f $%.2f",fsaPurchaseAmount, fstEncinitas, fpaEncinitas);
case 3:
//for La Jolla location
printf("\n Purchase Amount Sales Tax Total Sales Amount ");
printf("\n _______________ _________ _________________ ");
printf("\n $%.2f $%.2f $%.2f",fsaPurchaseAmount, fstLajolla, fpaLajolla);
printf("\n Hit the ENTER key to exit program\n");
//Pause the screen and wait for user to hit the ENTER key