У меня проблемы с реализацией БПФ с использованием vDSP. Я понимаю теорию, но ищу конкретный пример кода, пожалуйста.
У меня есть данные из файла WAV, как показано ниже:
Вопрос 1. Как поместить аудиоданные в БПФ?
Вопрос 2. Как получить выходные данные из БПФ?
Вопрос 3. Конечная цель - проверить наличие низкочастотных звуков. Как бы я это сделал?
OSStatus result = -1;
result = AudioFileOpenURL (inputURL, kAudioFileReadPermission, 0, &mAudioFile);
if (result == noErr) {
//get format info
UInt32 size = sizeof(mASBD);
result = AudioFileGetProperty(mAudioFile, kAudioFilePropertyDataFormat, &size, &mASBD);
UInt32 dataSize = sizeof packetCount;
result = AudioFileGetProperty(mAudioFile, kAudioFilePropertyAudioDataPacketCount, &dataSize, &packetCount);
NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:@"File Opened, packet Count: %d", packetCount]);
UInt32 packetsRead = packetCount;
UInt32 numBytesRead = -1;
if (packetCount > 0) {
//allocate buffer
audioData = (SInt16*)malloc( 2 *packetCount);
//read the packets
result = AudioFileReadPackets (mAudioFile, false, &numBytesRead, NULL, 0, &packetsRead, audioData);
NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:@"Read %d bytes, %d packets", numBytesRead, packetsRead]);
return result;
FFT код ниже:
log2n = N;
n = 1 << log2n;
stride = 1;
nOver2 = n / 2;
printf("1D real FFT of length log2 ( %d ) = %d\n\n", n, log2n);
/* Allocate memory for the input operands and check its availability,
* use the vector version to get 16-byte alignment. */
A.realp = (float *) malloc(nOver2 * sizeof(float));
A.imagp = (float *) malloc(nOver2 * sizeof(float));
originalReal = (float *) malloc(n * sizeof(float));
obtainedReal = (float *) malloc(n * sizeof(float));
if (originalReal == NULL || A.realp == NULL || A.imagp == NULL) {
printf("\nmalloc failed to allocate memory for the real FFT"
"section of the sample.\n");
/* Generate an input signal in the real domain. */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
originalReal[i] = (float) (i + 1);
/* Look at the real signal as an interleaved complex vector by
* casting it. Then call the transformation function vDSP_ctoz to
* get a split complex vector, which for a real signal, divides into
* an even-odd configuration. */
vDSP_ctoz((COMPLEX *) originalReal, 2, &A, 1, nOver2);
/* Set up the required memory for the FFT routines and check its
* availability. */
setupReal = vDSP_create_fftsetup(log2n, FFT_RADIX2);
if (setupReal == NULL) {
printf("\nFFT_Setup failed to allocate enough memory for"
"the real FFT.\n");
/* Carry out a Forward and Inverse FFT transform. */
vDSP_fft_zrip(setupReal, &A, stride, log2n, FFT_FORWARD);
vDSP_fft_zrip(setupReal, &A, stride, log2n, FFT_INVERSE);
/* Verify correctness of the results, but first scale it by 2n. */
scale = (float) 1.0 / (2 * n);
vDSP_vsmul(A.realp, 1, &scale, A.realp, 1, nOver2);
vDSP_vsmul(A.imagp, 1, &scale, A.imagp, 1, nOver2);
/* The output signal is now in a split real form. Use the function
* vDSP_ztoc to get a split real vector. */
vDSP_ztoc(&A, 1, (COMPLEX *) obtainedReal, 2, nOver2);
/* Check for accuracy by looking at the inverse transform results. */
Compare(originalReal, obtainedReal, n);