Я делаю лабиринт, и два потока движутся по нему одновременно. Проблема в том, что они не должны занимать одну и ту же позицию одновременно.Я не знаю, как я могу это сделать.Можно ли узнать, куда они будут двигаться дальше, и предотвратить перемещение другой нити в эту позицию?Пожалуйста, дайте мне идею.Спасибо.
Вот код:
public int[][] visitedCell=new int[15][15]; // holds how many times visited for each cell
public boolean cntrl=true,repeat=true,end;
public int r=0;
public int cnt;
public boolean find;
public void decision(int posX,int posY){
int distanceToExit;
cnt=0; // holds how many cell is free around the cell which thread is on
end=false; // checks robot found exit
find=false; // checks suitable cell found to move in next step
posX=posX/40; // all cells are 40*40 dimension.since it is divided 40 to find poisition
posY=posY/40; // found y position
int[][] neighbours={{posX,posY+1},{posX+1,posY+1},{posX+1,posY},{posX+1,posY-1},{posX,posY-1},{posX-1,posY-1},{posX-1,posY},{posX-1,posY+1}}; // all 8 neighbours of a cell
int[][] freeCellChoises = new int[8][2]; // holds free cells to move
int[][] distanceCell=new int[8][2];
for(int i=0;i<8;i++){ // checks which neighbour cells are free
if((neighbours[i][0] >0 && neighbours[i][0] <14) && (neighbours[i][1] >0 && neighbours[i][1] < 14) || (neighbours[i][0]==1 && neighbours[i][1]==14) || (neighbours[i][0]==14 && neighbours[i][1]==1) ) // [1,14] = enter position and [14,1]= exit position
if(Draw.paintArray[neighbours[i][0]][neighbours[i][1]]==0){// cell is free.it is eligible
freeCellChoises[cnt][0]=neighbours[i][0]; // load eligible cells this array
distanceToExit=(int) Math.sqrt((Math.pow(neighbours[i][0]-560, 2)+Math.pow(neighbours[i][1]-40,2)));
} // eligible cells are ready anymore
if(Frame.radButSel==1){ // random movement
int no=rndm.nextInt(cnt); // choose one of the eligible cell randomly
x=freeCellChoises[no][0] * 40;
y=freeCellChoises[no][1] * 40;
if(Frame.radButSel==2){ // closed way movement ( find the most clodes cell to the exit ) .Exit is [14,1].So x must be max, y must be min to a cell has priority
int maxX=freeCellChoises[0][0];
int minY=freeCellChoises[0][1];
int selection1=0,selection2=0;
for(int i=0;i<cnt;i++){ // x i byk y si kck sec
if(freeCellChoises[i][0]> maxX){
if(cnt!=0) // checks there is a priority cell
r=rndm.nextInt(2)+1; // selects one of the priority cell
if(r==1 && visitedCell[freeCellChoises[selection1][0]][freeCellChoises[selection1][1]] <2){ //selection1.same cell musnt be visited more than 2 times
x=freeCellChoises[selection1][0] * 40;
y=freeCellChoises[selection1][1] * 40;}
else if(r==2 && visitedCell[freeCellChoises[selection2][0]][freeCellChoises[selection2][1]] <2){//selection2
x=freeCellChoises[selection2][0] * 40;
y=freeCellChoises[selection2][1] * 40;}
else{ // applies when there is not any priority cell
System.out.println("oncelik yok");
int repeat =0;
r=rndm.nextInt(cnt); // choose one of the eligible cell
x=freeCellChoises[r][0] * 40;
y=freeCellChoises[r][1] * 40;
if(visitedCell[freeCellChoises[r][0]][freeCellChoises[r][1]] <2){
if(x==560 && y==40){ // checks decided cell is exit point
Action.pool.shutdownNow();// thread finished
Main.butAct++; // when butAct=2 , "RESULT" button will be active
timer.stopTime();} // stops time for the thread
distance=(int) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x-560,2) + Math.pow(y-40, 2));// calculates distance between thread - exit
public Action() throws InterruptedException{
pool=Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2); // two thread in the pool
robot1=new Robot(40,560); // starts enter position
robot2=new Robot(40,560); // starts enter position
pool.submit(robot1); // loads robot1 to pool
pool.submit(robot2);// loadss robot2 to pool
public void run() {
while(true){ // run threads always
try {
Frame.worker.pauseIfNeeded();} // checks whether pause button is pressed
catch (InterruptedException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Robot.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);}
if(end==false){// not reach exit
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName());// displays current thread name
System.out.println("pozisyon x="+x+"y="+y);
decision(x,y); // thread makes decision to move
visitedCell[x/40][y/40]+=1; // increade number of visitide cell count for that cell in the array
visCell++; //increase visited cell count for the thread
Thread.sleep(300);} // thread sleeps for a while to observe movement changing
catch(Exception ex){
else{// found exit
Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // Thread killed
if(Main.butAct==2)// after a thread found exit, checks if result button can be active anymore
Frame.button4.setEnabled(true); // activates result button
}//end while