Несмотря на то, что эта тема не совсем новая, я решил поделиться своим решением, поскольку такого рода вещи не меняются.
Как использовать
Чтобы использовать этот код, просто создайте 1 открытый класс и 2 открытых интерфейса.
Теперь создайте экземпляр класса CustomTrayIcon и вызовите метод addToSystemTray () , как только вы закончите его инициализацию.
В любое время, когда вы хотите отобразить всплывающее уведомление, вызовите метод showBubbleNotification (...) .
Чтобы удалить этот значок в трее, просто вызовите метод removeFromSystemTray () .
Этот класс является базой, которая выполняет всю тяжелую работу.
package com.samples;
import java.awt.AWTException;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.PopupMenu;
import java.awt.SystemTray;
import java.awt.TrayIcon;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
* This class can be used to create an icon in the {@link SystemTray}, providing
* the current operating system supports the {@link SystemTray}. <br />
* <br />
* <b><u>Userful Methods</u>:</b>
* <ul>
* <li>
* Use the {@link CustomTrayIcon#addToSystemTray() addToSystemTray()} method to
* add this {@link CustomTrayIcon} to the {@link SystemTray}. <br />
* </li>
* <li>
* Use the {@link CustomTrayIcon#removeFromSystemTray() removeFromSystemTray()}
* method to remove this {@link CustomTrayIcon} from the {@link SystemTray}. <br />
* </li>
* <li>
* Use the
* {@link CustomTrayIcon#showBubbleNotification(String, String, MessageType, CustomTrayIconNotificationBubbleClickEvent)
* showBubbleNotification(String, String, MessageType,
* CustomTrayIconNotificationBubbleClickEvent)} method to show a bubble notification to
* the user. <br />
* </li>
* <li>
* Use the {@link CustomTrayIcon#setClickDetectionDelay_override(int)
* setClickDetectionDelay_override(int)} method to override the default delay to
* be used when detecting if a user performed a single/double/triple click.</li>
* </ul>
* @author Matthew Weiler
* */
public abstract class CustomTrayIcon extends TrayIcon implements CustomTrayIconMouseInterface
* This will be used as the millisecond delay between clicks to detect
* single or double clicks. <br />
* <br />
* <b><u>Default Value</u>:</b> 300
* */
private static final int DEFAULT_CLICK_DETECTION_DELAY = 300;
* This will be used to ensure that we can synchronize the click counter
* changes.
* */
private static final Object clickLock = new Object();
* This will store the override value to be used in-place of the
* default value.
* */
private int clickDetectionDelay_override = -1;
* This will store the {@link CustomTrayIconNotificationBubbleClickEvent} which
* should be executed the next time that an {@link ActionEvent} is fired by
* the user clicking a notification bubble.
* */
private CustomTrayIconNotificationBubbleClickEvent newBubbleAction = null;
* This will be used to keep track of which click was responsible for the
* current click timer.
* */
private long clickOwnerIndex = 0L;
* This will be used to keep track of how many clicks occurred in the
* current click detection cycle.
* */
private int clickCounter = 0;
* This will create a new instance of a {@link CustomTrayIcon}.
* @param image
* The {@link Image} to display as the icon in the notification
* tray.
* */
public CustomTrayIcon(final Image image)
* This will create a new instance of a {@link CustomTrayIcon}.
* @param image
* The {@link Image} to display as the icon in the notification
* tray.
* @param tooltip
* The string to be used as tooltip text; if the value is null no
* tooltip is shown.
* */
public CustomTrayIcon(final Image image, final String tooltip)
super(image, tooltip);
* This will create a new {@link CustomTrayIcon}. <br />
* The {@link CustomTrayIcon}
* */
public CustomTrayIcon(final Image image, final String tooltip, final PopupMenu popup)
super(image, tooltip, popup);
* This will determine if the current operating system supports
* {@link SystemTray}.
* @see SystemTray#isSupported()
* @return <code>true</code> if the current operating system supports
* {@link SystemTray}; <code>false</code> otherwise.
* */
public static boolean isSystemTraySupported()
return SystemTray.isSupported();
* This method will add this {@link CustomTrayIcon} to {@link SystemTray} . <br />
* <br />
* <i>this method may return <code>false</code> if the current operating
* system does not have or support a {@link SystemTray}</i>
* @return <code>true</code> if this {@link CustomTrayIcon} was added;
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
* */
public boolean addToSystemTray()
// Ensure that the current operating system supports
// the SystemTray.
if (CustomTrayIcon.isSystemTraySupported())
// Add this CustomTrayIcon to the SystemTray.
return true;
catch (AWTException e)
// ignore
return false;
* This method will remove this {@link CustomTrayIcon} from the
* {@link SystemTray}.
* */
public void removeFromSystemTray()
public void displayMessage(final String caption, final String text, final MessageType messageType)
this.newBubbleAction = null;
super.displayMessage(caption, text, messageType);
* This method will show a bubble notification near the
* {@link CustomTrayIcon}.
* @see TrayIcon#displayMessage(String, String, MessageType)
* @param title
* The title to be displayed in the bubble notification.
* @param message
* The message to be displayed in the bubble notification.
* @param messageType
* The type of {@link MessageType} which will denote the style of
* the bubble notification.
* @param actionOnClick
* The {@link CustomTrayIconNotificationBubbleClickEvent} which should be
* fired when the user clicks the bubble notification.
* @throws NullPointerException
* If both caption and text are <code>null</code>.
* */
public void displayMessage(final String title, final String message, final MessageType messageType, final CustomTrayIconNotificationBubbleClickEvent actionOnClick)
this.showBubbleNotification(title, message, messageType, actionOnClick);
* This method will show a bubble notification near the
* {@link CustomTrayIcon}.
* @see TrayIcon#displayMessage(String, String, MessageType)
* @param title
* The title to be displayed in the bubble notification.
* @param message
* The message to be displayed in the bubble notification.
* @param messageType
* The type of {@link MessageType} which will denote the style of
* the bubble notification.
* @throws NullPointerException
* If both caption and text are <code>null</code>.
* */
public void showBubbleNotification(final String title, final String message, final MessageType messageType)
this.showBubbleNotification(title, message, messageType, null);
* This method will show a bubble notification near the
* {@link CustomTrayIcon}.
* @see TrayIcon#displayMessage(String, String, MessageType)
* @param title
* The title to be displayed in the bubble notification.
* @param message
* The message to be displayed in the bubble notification.
* @param messageType
* The type of {@link MessageType} which will denote the style of
* the bubble notification.
* @param actionOnClick
* The {@link CustomTrayIconNotificationBubbleClickEvent} which should be
* fired when the user clicks the bubble notification.
* @throws NullPointerException
* If both caption and text are <code>null</code>.
* */
public void showBubbleNotification(final String title, final String message, final MessageType messageType, final CustomTrayIconNotificationBubbleClickEvent actionOnClick)
this.newBubbleAction = actionOnClick;
super.displayMessage(title, message, messageType);
* This will get the override value to be used in-place of the
* default value.
* @return The override value to be used in-place of the
* CLICK_DETECTION_DELAY} default value.
* */
public int getClickDetectionDelay_override()
return this.clickDetectionDelay_override;
* This will set the override value to be used in-place of the
* default value.
* @param clickDetectionDelay_override
* The override value to be used in-place of the
* CLICK_DETECTION_DELAY} default value.
* */
public void setClickDetectionDelay_override(final int clickDetectionDelay_override)
this.clickDetectionDelay_override = clickDetectionDelay_override;
* This method will return the delay to have between each click when
* determining if the user performed a single/double/triple click.
* @return The delay to have between each click when determining if the user
* performed a single/double/triple click.
* */
private int getClickDetectionDelay()
if (this.clickDetectionDelay_override > 0)
return this.clickDetectionDelay_override;
* This method will be executed as the constructors last task. <br />
* <br />
* <i>this method will set some attributes on this {@link CustomTrayIcon} and
* apply the appropriate listeners</i>
* */
private void postCreateTasks()
* This will apply the various listeners to this {@link CustomTrayIcon}
* object.
* */
private void applyCustomListeners()
// Add an ActionListener which will fire when the user
// clicks a bubble notification.
this.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
if (CustomTrayIcon.this.newBubbleAction != null)
CustomTrayIcon.this.newBubbleAction = null;
// Add a MouseListener on this CustomTrayIcon which will
// fire when the user interacts with this CustomTrayIcon
// using their mouse.
this.addMouseListener(new MouseListener()
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0)
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent arg0)
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0)
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0)
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0)
// Clear the bubble notification action as any open
// bubbles should be popped/closed when this interaction
// occurs.
CustomTrayIcon.this.newBubbleAction = null;
// If this MouseEvent was triggered by mouse button 1
// being clicked... then continue.
if (arg0.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1)
long tmp_clickOwnerIndex = 0L;
// Ensure that only one thread can modify the click owner index
// at any given time.
synchronized (CustomTrayIcon.clickLock)
// Increase the click owner index so that only the very
// last click can fire an event.
// Store the current value of the click owner index
tmp_clickOwnerIndex = CustomTrayIcon.this.clickOwnerIndex;
// Extract the click owner index, which was obtained in a
// thread-safe way, into a final variable so we can access it
// below.
final long tmp_clickOwnerIndex_final = tmp_clickOwnerIndex;
// Launch a new Thread which will sleep for a pre-determined
// period of time to catch the delay of a double/triple click.
(new Thread()
int tmp_clickCounter = 0;
public void run()
// Ensure that only one thread can modify the click
// counter at any given time.
synchronized (CustomTrayIcon.clickLock)
// Increase the number of active clicks that occurred
// during the current detection cycle.
// Extract the total number of active clicks that occurred
// during the current detection cycle up to this point.
tmp_clickCounter = CustomTrayIcon.this.clickCounter;
// Sleep for the pre-determined multiple click detection
// time.
// This ensures that we give the use enough time to
// actually perform multiple clicks.
catch (InterruptedException e)
// ignore
// Ensure that only one thread can modify the click owner index
// at any given time.
synchronized (CustomTrayIcon.clickLock)
// If this click was the last click since the appropriate
// delay, then it's clear that this click should be
// processed.
if (CustomTrayIcon.this.clickOwnerIndex == tmp_clickOwnerIndex_final)
// If only one click occurred during the allocated delayed
// time, then fire a button 1 click.
if (tmp_clickCounter == 1)
// If two clicks occurred during the allocated delayed
// time, then fire a button 2 click.
else if (tmp_clickCounter == 2)
// If three clicks occurred during the allocated delayed
// time, then fire a button 3 click.
else if (tmp_clickCounter == 3)
// Decrease the click owner index which will reset the
// click stack.
// If this MouseEvent was triggered by mouse button 2
// being clicked... then continue.
else if (arg0.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON2)
// Ensure that only one thread can modify the click owner index
// at any given time.
synchronized (CustomTrayIcon.clickLock)
// Increase the click owner index so that only the very
// last click can fire an event.
// If this MouseEvent was triggered by mouse button 3
// being clicked... then continue.
else if (arg0.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON3)
// Ensure that only one thread can modify the click owner index
// at any given time.
synchronized (CustomTrayIcon.clickLock)
// Increase the click owner index so that only the very
// last click can fire an event.
Этот интерфейс используется для вывода различных пользовательских взаимодействий с помощью мыши.
package com.samples;
import javax.swing.Popup;
* This interface contains several methods which can be fired when a user
* interacts with the {@link CustomTrayIcon} using their mouse.
* @author Matthew Weiler
* */
public interface CustomTrayIconMouseInterface
* This method will be fired when the user clicks, with mouse button 1, this
* {@link CustomTrayIcon}.
* */
public void button1_click();
* This method will be fired when the user double-clicks, with mouse button
* 1, this {@link CustomTrayIcon}.
* */
public void button1_doubleClick();
* This method will be fired when the user triple-clicks, with mouse button
* 1, this {@link CustomTrayIcon}.
* */
public void button1_tripleClick();
* This method will be fired when the user clicks, with mouse button 2, this
* {@link CustomTrayIcon}.
* */
public void button2_click();
* This method will be fired when the user clicks, with mouse button 3, this
* {@link CustomTrayIcon}. <br />
* <br />
* <i>if a {@link Popup} menu is assigned to this {@link CustomTrayIcon}, it
* will still popup regardless of any actions taken by this method</i>
* */
public void button3_click();
Этот интерфейс используется для внешнего взаимодействия с пузырем уведомлений.
package com.samples;
* This interface contains several methods which can be fired when a user
* interacts with a bubble notification using their mouse.
* @author Matthew Weiler
* */
public interface CustomTrayIconNotificationBubbleClickEvent
* This method will be fired when the user clicks, with mouse button 1, this
* bubble notification.
* */
public void button1_click();