Это не совсем то, что вы ищете, но выслушайте меня.
Много лет назад мы с сыном написали игру "Приключение" на бейсике. Каждая локация в подпольной игре представляла собой номер строки. Например, когда вы покинули одно место через туннель, идущий на север, вы попали в другое место.
Кодирование было что-то вроде if response == 'N' GOTO 2400
. Таким образом, игроки в конечном итоге ходили повсюду, используя GOTO.
Я задавался вопросом, как это можно сделать в Python, и придумал это.
Возможно, такую технику можно использовать для других приложений, где требуется что-то вроде GOTO. Если вы разделите вашу программу на части, которые являются функциями, то следующее «немного глупое» кодирование поможет вам.
""" Simple, short and unfinished 'Adventure' game to show how a program such
as this with 'locations' (where each location is handled by a function) can
simulate 'GOTO's through use of the eval() function. Each time the player
chooses an exit from his current location, where he goes to will depend on the
exit chosen and achieved using eval() on the last line.
This saves having to code a series of 'if's at each location which call the
correct function the player goes to. Also, because the code always comes back
to the eval line at the botton each time, one location's function doesn't call
the next location's function, with possible risk of stack overflow if the
program is radically extended.
The program uses randint() to determine if characters are there and what they
are doing. This is just a taster. Dramatic improvements could be made if the
player could collect and use artefacts found during his travels. For instance
if there was a key somewhere and it was collected, it could be used to unlock
the door, but the key can't be picked up unless the troll isn't there etc.
The program needs to be able to parse (understand) simple natural language
(English) commands such as 'take key' or 'unlock door' or 'give food to troll'
There will also need to be some global variables so each function can behave
and do stuff dependent on these variables.
The program needs to be able to respond to players' commands, such as after a
player has indicated which direction he wants to go, the program responds,
'You can't go that way. the Ork is blocking your path'. You get the picture.
The program also needs to be able to save variables in a dictionary (which is
then pickled into a file) so players can close the game and save it and pick up
where they left off next time.
People new to this sort of game should realise by the way, that just because
a tunnel (or other route) leaves one location northwards, that doesn't mean
that it arrives at the next location from the south. The tunnels twist and
turn all over the place."""
def l0():
print("You're south of a forbidding-looking cave")
go = input('n or q > ')
if go == 'n': return('1')
if go == 'q': return('q')
else: return 'q'
def l1():
print("You're in a large, dark cave. Bats are hanging from the ceiling.")
print("Tunnels lead north, east and west. The entrance is south of you.")
go = input('n s e w > ')
if go == 'n': return('3') # Leaving L1 northwards takes you to L3
if go == 's': return('0') # Leaving L1 southwards takes you to L0
if go == 'e': return('3') # Leaving L1 eastwards also takes you to L3
if go == 'w': return('2') # Leaving L1 westwards takes you to L2
else: return 'q'
def l2():
print("You've come to a bridge running east across a chasm")
print("On the other side the only way to go is through a tunnel")
print("This side of the chasm, a tunnel leads north and a path leads south")
go = input('n e s > ')
if go == 'n': return('1') # As per L! but applicable to L2 etc.
if go == 'e': return('4')
if go == 's': return('3')
else: return 'q'
def l3():
print("You've come to a hot and humid cavern")
print("Tunnels run north, east and west. A path leads south.")
print("There's a dragon here.")
dstate = randint(1,5)
if dstate == 1: print("The dragon seems to be asleep")
if dstate == 2: print("The dragon looks sleepy")
if dstate == 3: print("The dragon is awake")
if dstate == 4: print("The dragon looks angry")
if dstate == 5: print("The dragon is breathing fire and very angry!")
go = input('n s e w > ')
if go == 'n': return('1')
if go == 's': return('2')
if go == 'e': return('4')
if go == 'w': return('1')
else: return 'q'
def l4():
print("You've arrived at a grotto. There are jewels here!")
tstate = randint(1,4)
if tstate > 1: print("There's a troll here wielding a cudgel")
print("Tunnels lead east, west and south from here")
go = input('s e w > ')
if go == 's': return('5')
if go == 'e': return('2')
if go == 'w': return('3')
else: return 'q'
def l5():
print("The tunnel ends at a door leading to a small room")
print("Through a grille in the door, you can see there is no way out")
print("The only way is back, south along the tunnel")
print("But there's gold in the room!")
print("The door is locked.")
go = input('s > ')
if go == 's': return('4')
else: return 'q'
### ********************* Main Program Start ***************************
import random
from random import randint
go = l0() # That's call L zero (location zero), not ten!
while go != 'q':
go = eval("l"+go+"()") # Program always returns here to sort out where to
# go next. Player doesn't of course!