Если вы хотите, чтобы какой-то символ отображался как верхний индекс, вы должны поставить перед ним префикс ^. Точно так же символы нижнего индекса должны иметь префикс _.
void __fastcall TForm_Main::StringGrid_DrawCell(TObject *Sender, int ACol, int ARow, TRect &Rect, TGridDrawState State)
TStringGrid *grid = (TStringGrid*)Sender;
if (grid == NULL)
WideString wtext = L"φ_U = 120";
if (wtext.IsEmpty()) return;
// layout
SIZE size;
memset(&size, 0, sizeof(SIZE));
SSGetTextExtentPoint(grid->Canvas, wtext, size);
int offset_x = (Rect.Width() - size.cx + 1) >> 1; // horizontal centering
RECT RText = static_cast<RECT>(Rect);
RText.left += offset_x;
RText.right += offset_x;
// rendering
SetBkMode(grid->Canvas->Handle, TRANSPARENT);
SSDrawText(grid->Canvas, wtext, RText, DT_LEFT);
int TForm_Main::SSGetTextExtentPoint(TCanvas *canvas, WideString text, SIZE &size)
// Source: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/12660/Using-Subscripts-and-Superscripts-When-Showing-Tex
SIZE sz;
RECT outRect =
{0, 0, 0, 0};
HFONT oldFont;
GetObject(canvas->Font->Handle, sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf);
POINT sub, sup, subofs, supofs;
// Calculate subscript/superscript size and offsets
bool use_pixel_unit = false;
if (lf.lfHeight < 0)
lf.lfHeight = MulDiv(-lf.lfHeight, 72, GetDeviceCaps(canvas->Handle, LOGPIXELSY));
use_pixel_unit = true;
sub.x = lf.lfWidth / 2;
sup.x = lf.lfWidth / 2;
sub.y = lf.lfHeight / 3 * 2;
sup.y = lf.lfHeight / 3 * 2;
subofs.x = lf.lfWidth / 2;
supofs.x = lf.lfWidth / 2;
subofs.y = lf.lfHeight / 6;
supofs.y = lf.lfHeight / 3;
lf.lfWidth = sub.x;
lf.lfHeight = sub.y;
if (use_pixel_unit)
lf.lfHeight = -MulDiv(lf.lfHeight, GetDeviceCaps(canvas->Handle, LOGPIXELSY), 72);
HFONT SubFont;
SubFont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
lf.lfWidth = sup.x;
lf.lfHeight = sup.y;
HFONT SupFont;
if (use_pixel_unit)
lf.lfHeight = -MulDiv(lf.lfHeight, GetDeviceCaps(canvas->Handle, LOGPIXELSY), 72);
SupFont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
WideString temp = text;
// Calculate the size of the text that needs to be displayed
int x1 = 1, x2 = 1, x = 1;
WideString s = "";
c = ' ';
bool bFind = true;
// Find the first "^" or "_", indicating the sub- or superscript
while (bFind)
x1 = text.Pos(L"^");
x2 = text.Pos(L"_");
if ((x1 == 0) && (x2 == 0))
x = 0;
else if ((x1 > 0) && (x2 > 0))
x = min(x1, x2);
else if (x1 > 0)
x = x1;
x = x2;
if (x == 0)
bFind = false;
x = text.Length() + 1;
else if (x == text.Length())
bFind = false;
else if (text[x] != text[x + 1])
bFind = false;
c = text[x];
s = s + text.SubString(1, x - 1);
text.Delete(1, min(x, text.Length()));
sz = canvas->TextExtent(s);
outRect.right += sz.cx;
if ((outRect.bottom - outRect.top) < sz.cy)
outRect.top = outRect.bottom - sz.cy;
switch (c)
case '^':
oldFont = (HFONT)SelectObject(canvas->Handle, SupFont);
GetTextExtentPoint32W(canvas->Handle, text.c_bstr(), 1, &sz);
outRect.right += sz.cx + supofs.x;
text.Delete(1, 1);
SelectObject(canvas->Handle, oldFont);
case '_':
oldFont = (HFONT)SelectObject(canvas->Handle, SubFont);
GetTextExtentPoint32W(canvas->Handle, text.c_bstr(), 1, &sz);
outRect.right += sz.cx + subofs.x;
text.Delete(1, 1);
SelectObject(canvas->Handle, oldFont);
while (c != ' ');
// Adjust text position
outRect.bottom += subofs.y;
outRect.top -= subofs.x;
size.cx = outRect.right - outRect.left;
size.cy = outRect.bottom - outRect.top;
// Done, restoring the device context
RestoreDC(canvas->Handle, -1);
return 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
int TForm_Main::SSDrawText(TCanvas *canvas, WideString text, RECT &drawRect, int justification)
// Source: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/12660/Using-Subscripts-and-Superscripts-When-Showing-Tex
SIZE sz;
RECT outRect =
{0, 0, 0, 0};
HFONT oldFont;
GetObject(canvas->Font->Handle, sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf);
POINT sub, sup, subofs, supofs;
bool contains_subscript = false;
bool contains_superscript = false;
// Calculate subscript/superscript size and offsets
bool use_pixel_unit = false;
if (lf.lfHeight < 0)
lf.lfHeight = MulDiv(-lf.lfHeight, 72, GetDeviceCaps(canvas->Handle, LOGPIXELSY));
use_pixel_unit = true;
sub.x = (lf.lfWidth + 1) >> 1;
sup.x = (lf.lfWidth + 1) >> 1;
sub.y = (lf.lfHeight << 1) / 3;
sup.y = (lf.lfHeight << 1) / 3;
if (lf.lfHeight == 10)
sub.y++; // make subscript a little larger
subofs.x = (lf.lfWidth + 1) >> 1;
supofs.x = (lf.lfWidth + 1) >> 1;
subofs.y = (lf.lfHeight + 3) / 6;
supofs.y = (lf.lfHeight) / 3;
long sub_shift_down = lf.lfHeight - sub.y;
lf.lfWidth = sub.x;
lf.lfHeight = sub.y;
if (use_pixel_unit)
lf.lfHeight = -MulDiv(lf.lfHeight, GetDeviceCaps(canvas->Handle, LOGPIXELSY), 72);
HFONT SubFont;
SubFont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
lf.lfWidth = sup.x;
lf.lfHeight = sup.y;
if (use_pixel_unit)
lf.lfHeight = -MulDiv(lf.lfHeight, GetDeviceCaps(canvas->Handle, LOGPIXELSY), 72);
HFONT SupFont;
SupFont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
WideString temp = text;
// Calculate the size of the text that needs to be displayed
int x1 = 1, x2 = 1, x = 1;
WideString s = "";
c = ' ';
bool bFind = true;
// Find the first "^" or "_", indicating the sub- or superscript
while (bFind)
x1 = text.Pos(L"^");
x2 = text.Pos(L"_");
if ((x1 == 0) && (x2 == 0))
x = 0;
else if ((x1 > 0) && (x2 > 0))
x = min(x1, x2);
else if (x1 > 0)
x = x1;
x = x2;
if (x == 0)
bFind = false;
x = text.Length() + 1;
else if (x == text.Length())
bFind = false;
else if (text[x] != text[x + 1])
bFind = false;
c = text[x];
s = s + text.SubString(1, x - 1);
text.Delete(1, min(x, text.Length()));
sz = canvas->TextExtent(s);
outRect.right += sz.cx;
if ((outRect.bottom - outRect.top) < sz.cy)
outRect.top = outRect.bottom - sz.cy;
switch (c)
case '^':
oldFont = (HFONT)SelectObject(canvas->Handle, SupFont);
GetTextExtentPoint32W(canvas->Handle, text.c_bstr(), 1, &sz);
outRect.right += sz.cx + supofs.x;
text.Delete(1, 1);
SelectObject(canvas->Handle, oldFont);
contains_superscript = true;
case '_':
oldFont = (HFONT)SelectObject(canvas->Handle, SubFont);
GetTextExtentPoint32W(canvas->Handle, text.c_bstr(), 1, &sz);
outRect.right += sz.cx + subofs.x;
text.Delete(1, 1);
SelectObject(canvas->Handle, oldFont);
contains_subscript = true;
while (c != ' ');
// Adjust text position
if (contains_subscript)
outRect.bottom += subofs.y;
if (contains_superscript)
outRect.top -= supofs.y;
POINT Origin;
Origin.y = drawRect.top + (((drawRect.bottom - drawRect.top) - (outRect.bottom - outRect.top) + 1) >> 1);
switch (justification)
Origin.x = (drawRect.right - drawRect.left) / 2 - (outRect.right - outRect.left) / 2 + drawRect.left;
case DT_LEFT:
Origin.x = drawRect.left;
case DT_RIGHT:
Origin.x = drawRect.right - (outRect.right - outRect.left);
POINT pnt = Origin;
text = temp;
// Draw text
int x1 = 1, x2 = 1, x = 1;
WideString s = "";
c = ' ';
bool bFind = true;
// Find the first "^" or "_", indicating the sub- or superscript
while (bFind)
x = text.Pos(L"^_");
x1 = text.Pos(L"^");
x2 = text.Pos(L"_");
if ((x1 == 0) && (x2 == 0))
x = 0;
else if ((x1 > 0) && (x2 > 0))
x = min(x1, x2);
else if (x1 > 0)
x = x1;
x = x2;
if (x == 0)
bFind = false;
x = text.Length() + 1;
else if (x == text.Length())
bFind = false;
else if (text[x] != text[x + 1])
bFind = false;
c = text[x];
s = s + text.SubString(1, x - 1);
text.Delete(1, min(x, text.Length()));
// Draw main text
ExtTextOutW(canvas->Handle, pnt.x, pnt.y, 0, &drawRect, s.c_bstr(), s.Length(), NULL);
GetTextExtentPoint32W(canvas->Handle, s.c_bstr(), s.Length(), &sz);
pnt.x += sz.cx;
// Draw subscript or superscript
switch (c)
case '^':
oldFont = (HFONT)SelectObject(canvas->Handle, SupFont);
ExtTextOutW(canvas->Handle, pnt.x + supofs.x, pnt.y - supofs.y, 0, &drawRect, text.c_bstr(), 1, NULL);
GetTextExtentPoint32W(canvas->Handle, text.c_bstr(), 1, &sz);
pnt.x += sz.cx + supofs.x;
text.Delete(1, 1);
SelectObject(canvas->Handle, oldFont);
case '_':
oldFont = (HFONT)SelectObject(canvas->Handle, SubFont);
ExtTextOutW(canvas->Handle, pnt.x + subofs.x, pnt.y + subofs.y + sub_shift_down, 0, &drawRect, text.c_bstr(), 1, NULL);
GetTextExtentPoint32W(canvas->Handle, text.c_bstr(), 1, &sz);
pnt.x += sz.cx + subofs.x;
text.Delete(1, 1);
SelectObject(canvas->Handle, oldFont);
while (c != ' ');
// Done, restoring the device context
RestoreDC(canvas->Handle, -1);
return 0;