Вам нужно ограничить ваше connect by
тем же значением scycle
, а также посчитать количество совпадений и отфильтровать их, чтобы избежать промежуточных результатов.
with my_tabe as
select 'M01' as scycle, '1' as sdate from dual union
select 'M01' as scycle, '2' as sdate from dual union
select 'M02' as scycle, '1' as sdate from dual
select scycle, ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(sdate, ','), ',')
select distinct sdate,
count(1) over (partition by scycle) as cnt,
row_number() over (partition by scycle order by sdate) as rn
from my_tabe
where rn = cnt
start with rn = 1
connect by prior rn + 1 = rn
and prior scycle = scycle
------ -----------------------------------------
M01 1,2
M02 1
Если вы используете 11g, вы можете использовать встроенную функцию LISTAGG
with my_tabe as
select 'M01' as scycle, '1' as sdate from dual union
select 'M01' as scycle, '2' as sdate from dual union
select 'M02' as scycle, '1' as sdate from dual
select scycle, listagg (sdate, ',')
within group (order by sdate) res
from my_tabe
group by scycle
Оба подхода (и другие) показаны здесь .