я создал две функции в Powershell, первая функция получает ключ реестра, если существует, возвращает computername и boolan, вторая получает список установленных обновлений Windows и проверяет, существует ли какое-либо обновление .... и возвращает имя компьютера и boolan.allso .. теперь проблема в том, что когда я пытаюсь получить доступ к 1-му объекту в трубе, я получаю нулевое значение ...
Function Get-RegKey {
"By OhadH 2012"
Read Key From Registry and create it if not exist
.PARAMETER LiteralPath
Get-RegKey -strMachine "" -Location "Software\\MyKey" -strValue "Type" -strValueToSearch "Server"
Read The Registry key from "HKLM\Software\MyKey" the value Type and search for the value "Server"
Get-RegKey "" "Software\\MyKey" "Type" "Server"
Read The Registry key from "HKLM\Software\MyKey" the value Type and search for the value "Server"
By Postion and not by value name
Author: OhadH
Date: Feb 09, 2012
param (
[parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position=0,ValueFromPipeline=$true)][String]$strMachine,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position=1)][String]$Location,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position=2)][String]$strValue,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position=3)][String]$strValueToSearch
begin { $obj = New-Object psobject }
process {
try {
$obj | Add-Member NoteProperty 'strMachine' $strMachine -Force
$reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $strMachine)
$regKey = $reg.OpenSubKey($Location,$true)
$RegRead = $regKey.GetValue($strValue)
if ($RegRead -eq $strValueToSearch) { $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty 'RegExist' $true -Force }
else { $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty 'RegExist' $false -Force }
catch [System.Exception] { $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty 'RegExist' "!!Error!!" -Force }
end { return $obj }
Function Set-RegKey {
"By OhadH"
Create Registry Key
.PARAMETER LiteralPath
Set-RegKey -strMachine "" -Location "Software\\MyKey" -strValue "Type" -strValueToSet "Server"
Read The Registry key from "HKLM\Software\MyKey" the value Type and search for the value "Server"
Get-RegKey "" "Software\\MyKey" "Type" "Server"
Read The Registry key from "HKLM\Software\MyKey" the value Type and search for the value "Server"
By Postion and not by value name
Author: OhadH
Date: Feb 09, 2012
param (
[parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position=0,ValueFromPipeline=$true)][String]$strMachine,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position=1)][String]$Location,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position=2)][String]$strValue,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position=3)][String]$strValueToSet
begin { $obj = New-Object psobject }
process {
try {
$obj | Add-Member NoteProperty 'strMachine' $strMachine -Force
$reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $strMachine)
$reg.CreateSubKey($Location) | Out-Null
$regKey = $reg.OpenSubKey($Location,$true)
catch [System.Exception] { }
end { }
Function Get-WindowsUpdate {
"By OhadH"
Get specific Installed KB
.PARAMETER LiteralPath
Get-WindowsUpdate -strMachine -strUpdate "KB2633952"
Get if KB2633952* installed on local machine
Get-WindowsUpdate "KB2633952"
Get if KB2633952* installed on local machine
Author: OhadH
Date: Feb 09, 2012
param (
[parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position=0,ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][String]$strMachine,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position=1,ValueFromPipeline=$true)][String]$strUpdate
begin { $obj = New-Object psobject }
process {
try {
$obj | Add-Member NoteProperty 'strMachine' $strMachine -Force
if ((gwmi -ComputerName $strMachine Win32_QuickFixEngineering | ? {$_.HotFixID -like $strUpdate+"*"}) -ne $null)
{ $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty 'KBInstalled' $true -Force }
else { $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty 'KBInstalled' $false -Force }
catch [System.Exception] { $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty 'KBInstalled' "!!Error!!" -Force }
end { return $obj }
$subnet = '10.0.0.'
for ($i=1; $i -le 250; $i++) {
$cntIP = $subnet + $i
if ($cntIP = ($cntIP | Ping-Host -icmp | where { $_.Responding }).IPAddress) {
Set-RegKey -strMachine $cntIP "SOFTWARE\\MyKey" -strValue "Type" -strValueToSet "Server"
Get-RegKey -strMachine $cntIP "SOFTWARE\\MyKey" -strValue "Type" -strValueToSearch "Server" | Get-WindowsUpdate -strUpdate "KB2633952" | select strMachine,**@{N="RegExist";E={$_.RegExist}},**KBInstalled
Спасибо за помощь Ohad