Я использую MVC 2, у меня есть вид, который просто отображает метку с текущим временем на нем.
Я хочу обновлять этот вид (метку) каждые 5 секунд, чтобы время обновлялось. Я использую ниже (взято из здесь ), но, похоже, не работает.
public ActionResult Time()
var waitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false);
// Method to execute
(state, timeout) =>
// TODO: implement the functionality you want to be executed
// on every 5 seconds here
// Important Remark: This method runs on a worker thread drawn
// from the thread pool which is also used to service requests
// so make sure that this method returns as fast as possible or
// you will be jeopardizing worker threads which could be catastrophic
// in a web application. Make sure you don't sleep here and if you were
// to perform some I/O intensive operation make sure you use asynchronous
// API and IO completion ports for increased scalability
ViewData["Time"] = "Current time is: " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();
// optional state object to pass to the method
// Execute the method after 5 seconds
// Set this to false to execute it repeatedly every 5 seconds
return View();
Заранее спасибо за помощь!