Значок настроек -> Таблицы маршрутизации хоста -> Зарегистрироваться сейчас
Если вышеприведенные инструкции не выполнены, попробуйте выполнить эти инструкции одну за другой
* Try getting your service books retransmitted.
a. Login to your BlackBerry Web Client (BWC/BIS) site.
b. Click "Profiles" (At the top of your BWC webpage via your PC)
c. Click "Send Internet Browser Service Book"
* Try rebooting your BlackBerry by removing and reinserting battery.
* Make sure you are running BlackBerryOS 4.0 by checking:
Check Options -> About
If you are not running at least Version 4.0, you need to download and install BlackBerryOS 4.0 then repeating all the above instructions again.
* If that does not work, and you are on a BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES), try re-activating your BlackBerry on BES. This may be as simple as connecting your BlackBerry to your PC and synchronizing your BlackBerry while Outlook is in ONLINE mode.