Похоже, это работает. Он отслеживает текущий набор фильмов. Для каждого шага он просматривает все одношаговые фильмы, которые еще не рассматривались («видели»).
actor_info = { "act1" : ["movieC", "movieA"], "act2" : ["movieA", "movieB"],
"act3" :["movieA", "movieB"], "act4" : ["movieC", "movieD"],
"act5" : ["movieD", "movieB"], "act6" : ["movieE"],
"act7" : ["movieG", "movieE"], "act8" : ["movieD", "movieF"],
"KevinBacon" : ["movieF"], "act10" : ["movieG"], "act11" : ["movieG"] }
movie_info = {'movieB': ['act2', 'act3', 'act5'], 'movieC': ['act1', 'act4'],
'movieA': ['act1', 'act2', 'act3'], 'movieF': ['KevinBacon', 'act8'],
'movieG': ['act7', 'act10', 'act11'], 'movieD': ['act8', 'act4', 'act5'],
'movieE': ['act6', 'act7']}
def shortest_distance(actA, actB, actor_info, movie_info):
if actA not in actor_info:
return -1 # "infinity"
if actB not in actor_info:
return -1 # "infinity"
if actA == actB:
return 0
dist = 1
movies = set(actor_info[actA])
end_movies = set(actor_info[actB])
if movies & end_movies:
return dist
seen = movies.copy()
print "All movies with", actA, seen
while 1:
dist += 1
next_step = set()
for movie in movies:
for actor in movie_info[movie]:
print "Movies with actors from those movies", next_step
movies = next_step - seen
print "New movies with actors from those movies", movies
if not movies:
return -1 # "Infinity"
# Has actorB been in any of those movies?
if movies & end_movies:
return dist
# Update the set of seen movies, so I don't visit them again
if __name__ == "__main__":
print shortest_distance("act1", "KevinBacon", actor_info, movie_info)
All movies with act1 set(['movieC', 'movieA'])
Movies with actors from those movies set(['movieB', 'movieC', 'movieA', 'movieD'])
New movies with actors from those movies set(['movieB', 'movieD'])
Movies with actors from those movies set(['movieB', 'movieC', 'movieA', 'movieF', 'movieD'])
New movies with actors from those movies set(['movieF'])
Вот версия, которая возвращает список фильмов, составляющих минимальное соединение (Нет для отсутствия соединения, и пустой список, если actA и actB одинаковы.)
def connect(links, movie):
chain = []
while movie is not None:
movie = links[movie]
return chain
def shortest_distance(actA, actB, actor_info, movie_info):
if actA not in actor_info:
return None # "infinity"
if actB not in actor_info:
return None # "infinity"
if actA == actB:
return []
# {x: y} means that x is one link outwards from y
links = {}
# Start from the destination and work backward
for movie in actor_info[actB]:
links[movie] = None
dist = 1
movies = links.keys()
while 1:
new_movies = []
for movie in movies:
for actor in movie_info[movie]:
if actor == actA:
return connect(links, movie)
for other_movie in actor_info[actor]:
if other_movie not in links:
links[other_movie] = movie
if not new_movies:
return None # Infinity
movies = new_movies
if __name__ == "__main__":
dist = shortest_distance("act1", "KevinBacon", actor_info, movie_info)
if dist is None:
print "Not connected"
print "The Kevin Bacon Number for act1 is", len(dist)
print "Movies are:", ", ".join(dist)
Вот вывод:
The Kevin Bacon Number for act1 is 3
Movies are: movieC, movieD, movieF