Я использую docx.dll для преобразования HTML в слово.Но не могу конвертировать HTML-тег.Например: html представляет собой p
<p><em><strong>adfa à asdf asdf</strong></em></p>
Таким образом, когда преобразование завершено, содержимое файла слова остается таким же
<p><em><strong>adfa à asdf asdf</strong></em></p>
Мой код ниже
public static void eprt_tml(int ptcn_id)
DataTable tml_tbl = DBclass.TruyVanTraVeTable1("select course_id, vname, vcontent from testimonial where contact_id='" + ptcn_id + "'");
string course_name = DBclass.TruyVanTraVeGiaTri("select vname from course where id='"+tml_tbl.Rows[0]["course_id"]+"'");
DataTable ptcn_tbl = DBclass.TruyVanTraVeTable1("select first_name, last_name, salutation_id, title from contact where id='"+ptcn_id+"'");
string ptcn_name = ptcn_tbl.Rows[0]["last_name"].ToString() + " " + ptcn_tbl.Rows[0]["first_name"].ToString();
DocX g_document;
// Store a global reference to the loaded document.
g_document = DocX.Load(@"D:\Project\CRM1\tml\tml_tpt.docx");
* The template 'InvoiceTemplate.docx' does exist,
* so lets use it to create an invoice for a factitious company
* called "The Happy Builder" and store a global reference it.
g_document = crt_from_tpl(DocX.Load(@"D:\Project\CRM1\tml\tml_tpt.docx"), course_name, tml_tbl.Rows[0]["vname"].ToString(), tml_tbl.Rows[0]["vcontent"].ToString(), ptcn_name, ptcn_tbl.Rows[0]["title"].ToString());
// Save all changes made to this template as Invoice_The_Happy_Builder.docx (We don't want to replace InvoiceTemplate.docx).
// The template 'InvoiceTemplate.docx' does not exist, so create it.
catch (FileNotFoundException)
//Create tml from template
private static DocX crt_from_tpl(DocX template, string course_name, string vname, string vcontent, string ptcn_name, string ptcn_title)
template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("static_title", "Ứng Dụng Thực Tiễn Thành Công"));
template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("tmlname", vname));
template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("tmlcontent", vcontent));
template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("ptcnname", ptcn_name));
template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("ptcntitle", ptcn_title));
template.AddCustomProperty(new CustomProperty("coursename", course_name));
return template;
Как мне его решить?