Я сделал вид списка с флажками.Я читал подобные статьи, и многие люди предлагали внести изменения в drawlistRow, но этого не происходит.Можете ли вы предложить мне, где я должен изменить, чтобы сделать его многострочным списком. Фрагмент кода: Обновлено: я обновил свой код, и он все еще не работает
public class CheckboxListField extends MainScreen implements ListFieldCallback, FieldChangeListener {
int mCheckBoxesCount = 5;
private Vector _listData = new Vector();
private ListField listField;
private ContactList blackBerryContactList;
private BlackBerryContact blackBerryContact;
private Vector blackBerryContacts;
private MenuItem _toggleItem;
ButtonField button;
BasicEditField mEdit;
CheckboxField cb;
CheckboxField[] chk_service;
HorizontalFieldManager hm4;
CheckboxField[] m_arrFields;
boolean mProgrammatic = false;
public static StringBuffer sbi = new StringBuffer();
VerticalFieldManager checkBoxGroup = new VerticalFieldManager();
LabelField task;
//A class to hold the Strings in the CheckBox and it's checkbox state (checked or unchecked).
private class ChecklistData
private String _stringVal;
private boolean _checked;
_stringVal = "";
_checked = false;
ChecklistData(String stringVal, boolean checked)
_stringVal = stringVal;
_checked = checked;
//Get/set methods.
private String getStringVal()
return _stringVal;
private boolean isChecked()
return _checked;
private void setStringVal(String stringVal)
_stringVal = stringVal;
private void setChecked(boolean checked)
_checked = checked;
//Toggle the checked status.
private void toggleChecked()
_checked = !_checked;
_toggleItem = new MenuItem("Change Option", 200, 10)
public void run()
//Get the index of the selected row.
int index = listField.getSelectedIndex();
//Get the ChecklistData for this row.
ChecklistData data = (ChecklistData)_listData.elementAt(index);
//Toggle its status.
//Update the Vector with the new ChecklistData.
_listData.setElementAt(data, index);
//Invalidate the modified row of the ListField.
if (index != -1 && !blackBerryContacts.isEmpty())
blackBerryContact =
ContactDetailsScreen contactDetailsScreen =
new ContactDetailsScreen(blackBerryContact);
listField = new ListField();
listField.setRowHeight(getFont().getHeight() * 2);
//CheckboxField[] cb = new CheckboxField[blackBerryContacts.size()];
for(int count = 0; count < blackBerryContacts.size(); ++count)
BlackBerryContact item =
String displayName = getDisplayName(item);
CheckboxField cb = new CheckboxField(displayName, false);
protected void makeMenu(Menu menu, int instance)
menu.add(new MenuItem("Get", 2, 2) {
public void run() {
for (int i = 0; i < checkBoxGroup.getFieldCount(); i++) {
//for(int i=0; i<blackBerryContacts.size(); i++) {
CheckboxField checkboxField = (CheckboxField)checkBoxGroup
if (checkboxField.getChecked()) {
Dialog.inform("Selected checkbox text::" + sbi);
super.makeMenu(menu, instance);
private boolean reloadContactList()
try {
blackBerryContactList =
Enumeration allContacts = blackBerryContactList.items();
blackBerryContacts = enumToVector(allContacts);
return true;
} catch (PIMException e)
return false;
//Convert the list of contacts from an Enumeration to a Vector
private Vector enumToVector(Enumeration contactEnum) {
Vector v = new Vector();
if (contactEnum == null)
return v;
while (contactEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
return v;
public void drawListRow(ListField list, Graphics graphics, int index, int y, int w)
ChecklistData currentRow = (ChecklistData)this.get(list, index);
StringBuffer rowString = new StringBuffer();
if (currentRow.isChecked())
//Append a couple spaces and the row's text.
//graphics.drawText("ROW", 0, y, 0, w);
//String rowNumber = "one";
//Draw the text.
graphics.drawText(rowString.toString(), 0, y, 0, w);
/*graphics.drawText("ROW " + rowNumber, y, 0, w);
graphics.drawText("ROW NAME", y, 20, w);
graphics.drawText("row details", y + getFont().getHeight(), 20, w); */
public void drawRow(Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
// Arrange the cell fields within this row manager.
layout(width, height);
// Place this row manager within its enclosing list.
setPosition(x, y);
// Apply a translating/clipping transformation to the graphics
// context so that this row paints in the right area.
// Paint this manager's controlled fields.
g.drawLine(0, 0, getPreferredWidth(), 0);
// Restore the graphics context.
public static String getDisplayName(Contact contact)
if (contact == null)
return null;
String displayName = null;
// First, see if there is a meaningful name set for the contact.
if (contact.countValues(Contact.NAME) > 0) {
final String[] name = contact.getStringArray(Contact.NAME, 0);
final String firstName = name[Contact.NAME_GIVEN];
final String lastName = name[Contact.NAME_FAMILY];
if (firstName != null && lastName != null) {
displayName = firstName + " " + lastName;
} else if (firstName != null) {
displayName = firstName;
} else if (lastName != null) {
displayName = lastName;
if (displayName != null) {
final String namePrefix = name[Contact.NAME_PREFIX];
if (namePrefix != null) {
displayName = namePrefix + " " + displayName;
return displayName;
return displayName;
//Returns the object at the specified index.
public Object get(ListField list, int index)
return _listData.elementAt(index);
/*if (listField == list)
//If index is out of bounds an exception will be thrown,
//but that's the behaviour we want in that case.
//return blackBerryContacts.elementAt(index);
_listData = (Vector) blackBerryContacts.elementAt(index);
return _listData.elementAt(index);
return null;*/
//Returns the first occurence of the given String, bbeginning the search at index,
//and testing for equality using the equals method.
public int indexOfList(ListField list, String p, int s)
//return listElements.getSelectedIndex();
//return _listData.indexOf(p, s);
return -1;
//Returns the screen width so the list uses the entire screen width.
public int getPreferredWidth(ListField list)
return Graphics.getScreenWidth();
//return Display.getWidth();
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
boolean mProgrammatic = false;
if (!mProgrammatic) {
mProgrammatic = true;
CheckboxField cbField = (CheckboxField) field;
int index = blackBerryContacts.indexOf(cbField);
if (cbField.getChecked())
for(int i=0;i<blackBerryContacts.size();i++)
Dialog.inform("Selected::" + cbField.getLabel());
sbi=new StringBuffer();
mProgrammatic = false;