Я только что запустил приложение Spring Roo с Hibernate в качестве поставщика JPA2.0.Я использую банки следующим образом:
Я использую аннотации для обработки транзакционного аспекта приложения, никаких проблем нет.
Но есть и другие части приложения, которые требуют очень сложных запросов, и способ, которым я раньше обрабатывал его в Hibernate, заключался в создании файла отображения, например (mybigdwquery.hbm.xml), где я хотел бы указать свой запроси его картографический объект, POJO.Не @Entity.Это работает нормально.
Однако, через другой вопрос, который я ранее опубликовал, я обнаружил, что в JPA 2.0 нельзя сопоставлять запросы с POJO, все должно быть сопоставлено с @Entity (таблица db отсутствует?).
Итак, мой вопрос заключается в следующем:
Можно ли как-нибудь получить мой 'mybigdwquery.hbm.xml' файл загружен в мой файл persistence.xml как hbm.xml, чтобы я мог вызвать именованный запрос?
Мой файл persistence.xml выглядит следующим образом:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<persistence xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="2.0" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/persistence_2_0.xsd">
<persistence-unit name="persistenceUnit" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
<!-- <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect"/> -->
<!-- value="create" to build a new database on each run; value="update" to modify an existing database; value="create-drop" means the same as "create" but also drops tables when Hibernate closes; value="validate" makes no changes to the database -->
<property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect"/>
<property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="create"/>
<property name="hibernate.ejb.naming_strategy" value="org.hibernate.cfg.ImprovedNamingStrategy"/>
<property name="hibernate.connection.charSet" value="UTF-8"/>
Файл, который мне нужен, загружен:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
<hibernate-mapping package="edu.kdc.visioncards.pojo">
<class name="AttendanceBreakDown">
<cache usage="read-only" />
<id name="studentName"/>
<property name="pupilId"></property>
<property name="enrollmentStatus"></property>
<property name="attendanceLevel"></property>
<property name="attendanceDays"></property>
<property name="authorizedAbsences"></property>
<property name="unexcusedAbsences"></property>
<property name="excusedAbsences"></property>
<property name="tardies"></property>
<property name="attendancePct"></property>
<sql-query name="attendanceDetailsBySchoolAndGradingPeriod">
<return alias="attSchGr" class="edu.kdc.visioncards.pojo.AttendanceBreakDown">
<return-property name="studentName" column="student_name"/>
<return-property name="pupilId" column="student_id"/>
<return-property name="enrollmentStatus" column="enrollment_status"/>
<return-property name="attendanceLevel" column="attendance_Level"/>
<return-property name="attendanceDays" column="attendance_days"/>
<return-property name="authorizedAbsences" column="auth_abs"/>
<return-property name="unexcusedAbsences" column="unx_abs"/>
<return-property name="excusedAbsences" column="x_abs"/>
<return-property name="tardies" column="tardies"/>
<return-property name="attendancePct" column="att_pct"/>
,b.authorized_absences as auth_abs
,nvl(c.unx_abs,0) as unx_abs
,nvl(d.x_abs, 0) as x_abs
,nvl(e.tardies, 0) as tardies
,s.student_activity_indicator as enrollment_status
,sum(fas.attendance_days) as attendance_days
,round((sum(fas.attendance_value) / sum(fas.attendance_days))* 100,2) as att_pct
,case when(round((sum(fas.attendance_value) / sum(fas.attendance_days))* 100,2) <= 87)
then 'Intervene'
when(round((sum(fas.attendance_value) / sum(fas.attendance_days))* 100,2) >87 and
round((sum(fas.attendance_value) / sum(fas.attendance_days))* 100,2) <= 89.9)
then 'Concern'
when(round((sum(fas.attendance_value) / sum(fas.attendance_days))* 100,2) >=90 and
round((sum(fas.attendance_value) / sum(fas.attendance_days))* 100,2) <= 95)
then 'Baseline'
else 'Is Clean'
end AS Attendance_Level
from K12INTEL_DW.ftbl_attendance_stumonabssum fas
inner join k12intel_dw.dtbl_students s
on fas.student_key = s.student_key
inner join K12INTEL_DW.dtbl_schools ds
on fas.school_key = ds.school_key
inner join k12intel_dw.dtbl_school_dates dsd
on fas.school_dates_key = dsd.school_dates_key
where dsd.rolling_local_school_yr_number = 0
and ds.school_code = ?
and s.student_activity_indicator = 'Active'
and s.student_current_grade_level = ?
group by s.student_id, s.student_name, s.student_activity_indicator
having (sum(fas.attendance_value) / sum(fas.attendance_days)) < .95
) a
inner join
(select t.student_id
,sum(t.auth_abs) as authorized_absences
select dstud.student_id
,case when(fas.excused_authorized) in ('NA', 'No')
then 0 else 1
end as auth_abs
from K12INTEL_DW.ftbl_attendance_stumonabssum fas
inner join K12INTEL_DW.dtbl_schools ds
on fas.school_key = ds.school_key
inner join k12intel_dw.dtbl_students dstud
on dstud.student_key = fas.student_key
inner join k12intel_dw.dtbl_school_dates dsd
on dsd.school_dates_key = fas.school_dates_key
where dsd.rolling_local_school_yr_number = 0
and dstud.student_activity_indicator = 'Active'
and ds.school_code = ?
and dstud.student_current_grade_level = ?
) t
group by t.student_id)b
on b.student_id = a.student_id
left outer join
( select dstud.student_id,
count(fas.excused_absence) as unx_abs
from K12INTEL_DW.ftbl_attendance_stumonabssum fas
inner join K12INTEL_DW.dtbl_schools ds
on fas.school_key = ds.school_key
inner join k12intel_dw.dtbl_students dstud
on dstud.student_key = fas.student_key
inner join k12intel_dw.dtbl_school_dates dsd
on dsd.school_dates_key = fas.school_dates_key
where dsd.rolling_local_school_yr_number = 0
and dstud.student_activity_indicator = 'Active'
and fas.excused_absence = 'Un-excused absence'
and ds.school_code = ?
and dstud.student_current_grade_level = ?
group by dstud.student_id
) c
on c.student_id = a.student_id
left outer join
(select dstud.student_id, count(fas.excused_absence) as x_abs
from K12INTEL_DW.ftbl_attendance_stumonabssum fas
inner join K12INTEL_DW.dtbl_schools ds
on fas.school_key = ds.school_key
inner join k12intel_dw.dtbl_students dstud
on dstud.student_key = fas.student_key
inner join k12intel_dw.dtbl_school_dates dsd
on dsd.school_dates_key = fas.school_dates_key
where dsd.rolling_local_school_yr_number = 0
and dstud.student_activity_indicator = 'Active'
and fas.excused_absence = 'Excused absence'
and ds.school_code = ?
and dstud.student_current_grade_level = ?
group by dstud.student_id) d
on d.student_id = a.student_id
left outer join
(select s.student_id
,sum(a.attendance_value) tardies
from k12intel_dw.ftbl_attendance a
inner join k12intel_dw.dtbl_school_dates sd
on a.school_dates_key = sd.school_dates_key
inner join k12intel_dw.dtbl_students s
on a.student_key = s.student_key
inner join k12intel_dw.dtbl_schools sc
on sc.school_key = s.school_key
where 1=1
and sd.rolling_local_school_yr_number = 0
and a.attendance_type in ('LA','LP','LF')
and sc.school_code= ?
and s.student_current_grade_level = ?
group by s.student_id) e
on e.student_id = a.student_id
Это мой DAO:
public class K12DaoImpl implements K12DaoManager{
private EntityManager em;
// @Autowired
// private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
// public void setSessionFactory(SessionFactory sessionFactory) {
// this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory;
// }
@Transactional(readOnly = true)
public List<AttendanceBreakDown> getAttendanceBreakDownBySchoolAndGP(int school, String gradingPeriod, String gradeLevel) {
Object values[] = new Object[]{new Integer(school), gradingPeriod, gradeLevel,
new Integer(school), gradingPeriod, gradeLevel,
new Integer(school), gradingPeriod, gradeLevel,
new Integer(school), gradingPeriod, gradeLevel,
new Integer(school), gradeLevel
// Call Named Query through JPA
// Query query = em.createNamedQuery("attendanceDetailsBySchoolAndGradingPeriod");
// for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
// query.setParameter(i, values[i]);
// }
// List<AttendanceBreakDown> list = query.getResultList();
// Call Named Query through Hibernate's SessionFactory
// org.hibernate.Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().getNamedQuery("attendanceDetailsBySchoolAndGradingPeriod");
// for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
// query.setParameter(i, values[i]);
// }
// List<AttendanceBreakDown> list = query.list();
//Call Named Query through HibernateTemplate
//List<AttendanceBreakDown> list = getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedQuery("attendanceDetailsBySchoolAndGradingPeriod", values);
//return list;
return null;
Раньше, без использования persistence.xml, у меня были типичные настройки hibernate.cfg.xml внутри applicationContext-datasource с фабрикой сессий, фабрика сессий привязана к источнику данных и т.д .. все работает нормально.
Теперь у меня есть persistence.xml, больше нет SessionFactory, EntityManager сейчас.
Как загрузить файлы hbm.xml и выполнить их через Hibernate, а не через JPA 2.0?
Если вы видите закомментированный код в DAO Если я использовал конфигурацию Hibernate, вызывающуюзапрос через HibernateTemplate (расширение HibernateDaoSupport) работал.Каким будет код сейчас?