Я бы не знал названия ключевых столбцов, но попробуйте это ...
CASE WHEN ISNULL(t.slotmachinebk ,'')!=ISNULL(z.XXX ,'') THEN 'slotmachinebk' ELSE '' END AS slotmachinebk --<<<<wrap all columns in this, make sure you make the ISNULL alternate value match the datatype of the column
,CASE WHEN ISNULL(t.gamingdate ,'')!=ISNULL(z.gamingdate ,'') THEN 'gamingdate' ELSE '' END AS gamingdate --<<<<wrap all columns in this, make sure you make the ISNULL alternate value match the datatype of the column
,CASE WHEN ISNULL(t.freeplaydownloaded ,'')!=ISNULL(z.freeplaydownloaded ,'') THEN 'freeplaydownloaded' ELSE '' END AS freeplaydownloaded --<<<<wrap all columns in this, make sure you make the ISNULL alternate value match the datatype of the column
,CASE WHEN ISNULL(t.freeplayadjusted ,'')!=ISNULL(z.freeplayadjusted ,'') THEN 'freeplayadjusted' ELSE '' END AS freeplayadjusted --<<<<wrap all columns in this, make sure you make the ISNULL alternate value match the datatype of the column
,CASE WHEN ISNULL(t.freeplayplayed ,'')!=ISNULL(z.freeplayplayed ,'') THEN 'freeplayplayed' ELSE '' END AS freeplayplayed --<<<<wrap all columns in this, make sure you make the ISNULL alternate value match the datatype of the column
,CASE WHEN ISNULL(t.freeplayabandoned ,'')!=ISNULL(z.freeplayabandoned ,'') THEN 'freeplayabandoned' ELSE '' END AS freeplayabandoned --<<<<wrap all columns in this, make sure you make the ISNULL alternate value match the datatype of the column
,CASE WHEN ISNULL(t.freeplaybalance ,'')!=ISNULL(z.freeplaybalance ,'') THEN 'freeplaybalance' ELSE '' END AS freeplaybalance --<<<<wrap all columns in this, make sure you make the ISNULL alternate value match the datatype of the column
from (select * from freeplay.egmfreeplay union all select * from Change.EgmFreePlay) t
LEFT OUTER JOIN testtable z ON t.KEY=z.KEY --<<<<<<<<key names???
where not exists (select * from testtable where
slotmachinebk = t.slotmachinebk and
auditdate = t.gamingdate and
freeplaydownloaded = t.freeplaydownloaded and
freeplayadjusted = t.freeplayadjusted and
freeplayplayed = t.freeplayplayed and
freeplayabandoned = t.freeplayabandoned and
freeplaybalance = t.freeplaybalance