Я не большой поклонник таймеров, если вы хотите более ориентированный на события подход, попробуйте что-то вроде этого:
public class Foo
private AsyncOperation _asyncOperation = null;
private SendOrPostCallback _notifyNewItem = null;
//Make sure you call this on your UI thread.
//Alternatively you can call something like the AttachUI() below later on and catch-up with
//your workers later.
public Foo()
this._notifyNewItem = new SendOrPostCallback(this.NewDataInTempList);
this._asyncOperation = AsyncOperationManager.CreateOperation(this);
public void AttachUI()
if (this._asyncOperation != null)
this._asyncOperation = null;
this._asyncOperation = AsyncOperationManager.CreateOperation(this);
//This is for catching up with the workers if they’ve been busy already
if (this._asyncOperation != null)
this._asyncOperation.Post(this._notifyNewItem, null);
private int _tempCapacity = 500;
private object _tempListLock = new object();
private List<MyStatus> _tempList = null;
//This gets called on the worker threads..
//Keeps adding to the same list until UI grabs it, then create a new one.
public void Add(MyStatus status)
bool notify = false;
lock (_tempListLock)
if (this._tempList == null)
this._tempList = new List<MyStatus>(this._tempCapacity);
notify = true;
if (notify)
if (this._asyncOperation != null)
this._asyncOperation.Post(this._notifyNewItem, null);
//This gets called on your UI thread.
private void NewDataInTempList(object o)
List<MyStatus> statusList = null;
lock (this._tempListLock)
//Grab the list, and release the lock as soon as possible.
statusList = this._tempList;
this._tempList = null;
if (statusList != null)
//Deal with it here at your leasure
Я использовал это в настраиваемом регистраторе Log4Net, собирая записи журнала и добавляя их в круговой массив, связанный с сеткой. Спектакль оказался довольно хорошим для того, что он делает.