Вот ссылка, если вы хотите скачать приложение:
Простое банковское приложение
Текстовый файл с данными для чтения
Я пытаюсь создать простое банковское приложение, которое считывает данные из текстового файла. До сих пор мне удалось прочитать всех клиентов, которых 20 из них. Тем не менее, при чтении в учетных записях и транзакциях он читает только в 20, а в текстовом файле их намного больше.
Вот что у меня есть. Я думаю, что это как-то связано с вложенным циклом в методе getNextCustomer.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace e_SOFT_Banking
public partial class Form1 : Form
public static ArrayList bankDetails = new ArrayList();
public static ArrayList accDetails = new ArrayList();
public static ArrayList tranDetails = new ArrayList();
string inputDataFile = @"C:\e-SOFT_v1.txt";
const int numCustItems = 14;
const int numAccItems = 7;
const int numTransItems = 5;
public Form1()
private void btnShowData_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void setUpBank()
private void showListsOfCust()
foreach (Customer c in bankDetails)
listBox1.Items.Add(c.getCustomerNumber() + " " + c.getCustomerTitle() + " " + c.getFirstName()
+ " " + c.getInitials() + " " + c.getSurname() + " " + c.getDateOfBirth()
+ " " + c.getHouseNameNumber() + " " + c.getStreetName() + " " + c.getArea()
+ " " + c.getCityTown() + " " + c.getCounty() + " " + c.getPostcode()
+ " " + c.getPassword() + " " + c.getNumberAccounts());
foreach (Account a in accDetails)
listBox1.Items.Add(a.getAccSort() + " " + a.getAccNumber() + " " + a.getAccNick() + " " + a.getAccDate()
+ " " + a.getAccCurBal() + " " + a.getAccOverDraft() + " " + a.getAccNumTrans());
foreach (Transaction t in tranDetails)
listBox1.Items.Add(t.getDate() + " " + t.getType() + " " + t.getDescription() + " " + t.getAmount()
+ " " + t.getBalAfter());
private void readData()
StreamReader readerIn = null;
Transaction curTrans;
Account curAcc;
Customer curCust;
bool anyMoreData;
string[] customerData = new string[numCustItems];
string[] accountData = new string[numAccItems];
string[] transactionData = new string[numTransItems];
if (readOK(inputDataFile, ref readerIn))
anyMoreData = getNextCustomer(readerIn, customerData, accountData, transactionData);
while (anyMoreData == true)
curCust = new Customer(customerData[0], customerData[1], customerData[2], customerData[3], customerData[4],
customerData[5], customerData[6], customerData[7], customerData[8], customerData[9],
customerData[10], customerData[11], customerData[12], customerData[13]);
curAcc = new Account(accountData[0], accountData[1], accountData[2], accountData[3], accountData[4],
accountData[5], accountData[6]);
curTrans = new Transaction(transactionData[0], transactionData[1], transactionData[2], transactionData[3],
anyMoreData = getNextCustomer(readerIn, customerData, accountData, transactionData);
if (readerIn != null)
private bool getNextCustomer(StreamReader inNext, string[] nextCustomerData, string[] nextAccountData, string[] nextTransactionData)
string nextLine;
int numCItems = nextCustomerData.Count();
int numAItems = nextAccountData.Count();
int numTItems = nextTransactionData.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < numCItems; i++)
nextLine = inNext.ReadLine();
if (nextLine != null)
nextCustomerData[i] = nextLine;
if (i == 13)
int cItems = Convert.ToInt32(nextCustomerData[13]);
for (int q = 0; q < cItems; q++)
for (int a = 0; a < numAItems; a++)
nextLine = inNext.ReadLine();
nextAccountData[a] = nextLine;
if (a == 6)
int aItems = Convert.ToInt32(nextAccountData[6]);
for (int w = 0; w < aItems; w++)
for (int t = 0; t < numTItems; t++)
nextLine = inNext.ReadLine();
nextTransactionData[t] = nextLine;
return false;
return true;
private bool readOK(string readFile, ref StreamReader readerIn)
readerIn = new StreamReader(readFile);
return true;
catch (FileNotFoundException notFound)
MessageBox.Show("ERROR Opening file (when reading data in)" + " - File could not be found.\n" + notFound.Message);
return false;
catch (Exception e)
MessageBox.Show("ERROR Opening File (when reading data in)" + "- Operation failed.\n" + e.Message);
return false;
У меня также есть три класса: один для клиентов, один для счетов и один для транзакций, которые следуют в этом порядке.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace e_SOFT_Banking
class Customer
private string customerNumber;
private string customerTitle;
private string firstName;
private string initials; //not required - defaults to null
private string surname;
private string dateOfBirth;
private string houseNameNumber;
private string streetName;
private string area; //not required - defaults to null
private string cityTown;
private string county;
private string postcode;
private string password;
private int numberAccounts;
public Customer(string theCustomerNumber, string theCustomerTitle, string theFirstName, string theInitials, string theSurname, string theDateOfBirth, string theHouseNameNumber, string theStreetName, string theArea, string theCityTown, string theCounty, string thePostcode, string thePassword, string theNumberAccounts)
customerNumber = theCustomerNumber;
customerTitle = theCustomerTitle;
firstName = theFirstName;
initials = theInitials;
surname = theSurname;
dateOfBirth = theDateOfBirth;
houseNameNumber = theHouseNameNumber;
streetName = theStreetName;
area = theArea;
cityTown = theCityTown;
county = theCounty;
postcode = thePostcode;
password = thePassword;
public string getCustomerNumber()
return customerNumber;
public string getCustomerTitle()
return customerTitle;
public string getFirstName()
return firstName;
public string getInitials()
return initials;
public string getSurname()
return surname;
public string getDateOfBirth()
return dateOfBirth;
public string getHouseNameNumber()
return houseNameNumber;
public string getStreetName()
return streetName;
public string getArea()
return area;
public string getCityTown()
return cityTown;
public string getCounty()
return county;
public string getPostcode()
return postcode;
public string getPassword()
return password;
public int getNumberAccounts()
return numberAccounts;
public void setCustomerNumber(string inCustomerNumber)
customerNumber = inCustomerNumber;
public void setCustomerTitle(string inCustomerTitle)
customerTitle = inCustomerTitle;
public void setFirstName(string inFirstName)
firstName = inFirstName;
public void setInitials(string inInitials)
initials = inInitials;
public void setSurname(string inSurname)
surname = inSurname;
public void setDateOfBirth(string inDateOfBirth)
dateOfBirth = inDateOfBirth;
public void setHouseNameNumber(string inHouseNameNumber)
houseNameNumber = inHouseNameNumber;
public void setStreetName(string inStreetName)
streetName = inStreetName;
public void setArea(string inArea)
area = inArea;
public void setCityTown(string inCityTown)
cityTown = inCityTown;
public void setCounty(string inCounty)
county = inCounty;
public void setPostcode(string inPostcode)
postcode = inPostcode;
public void setPassword(string inPassword)
password = inPassword;
public void setNumberAccounts(string inNumberAccounts)
numberAccounts = Convert.ToInt32(inNumberAccounts);
catch (FormatException invalidInput)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("ERROR" + invalidInput.Message + "Please enter a valid number");
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace e_SOFT_Banking
class Account
private string accSort;
private Int64 accNumber;
private string accNick;
private string accDate; //not required - defaults to null
private double accCurBal;
private double accOverDraft;
private int accNumTrans;
public Account(string theAccSort, string theAccNumber, string theAccNick,
string theAccDate, string theAccCurBal, string theAccOverDraft,
string theAccNumTrans)
accSort = theAccSort;
accNick = theAccNick;
accDate = theAccDate;
public string getAccSort()
return accSort;
public long getAccNumber()
return accNumber;
public string getAccNick()
return accNick;
public string getAccDate()
return accDate;
public double getAccCurBal()
return accCurBal;
public double getAccOverDraft()
return accOverDraft;
public int getAccNumTrans()
return accNumTrans;
public void setAccSort(string inAccSort)
accSort = inAccSort;
public void setAccNumber(string inAccNumber)
accNumber = Convert.ToInt64(inAccNumber);
catch (FormatException invalidInput)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("ERROR" + invalidInput.Message + "Please enter a valid number");
public void setAccNick(string inAccNick)
accNick = inAccNick;
public void setAccDate(string inAccDate)
accDate = inAccDate;
public void setAccCurBal(string inAccCurBal)
accCurBal = Convert.ToDouble(inAccCurBal);
catch (FormatException invalidInput)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("ERROR" + invalidInput.Message + "Please enter a valid number");
public void setAccOverDraft(string inAccOverDraft)
accOverDraft = Convert.ToDouble(inAccOverDraft);
catch (FormatException invalidInput)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("ERROR" + invalidInput.Message + "Please enter a valid number");
public void setAccNumTrans(string inAccNumTrans)
accNumTrans = Convert.ToInt32(inAccNumTrans);
catch (FormatException invalidInput)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("ERROR" + invalidInput.Message + "Please enter a valid number");
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace e_SOFT_Banking
class Transaction
private string date;
private string type;
private string description;
private double amount; //not required - defaults to null
private double balAfter;
public Transaction(string theDate, string theType, string theDescription,
string theAmount, string theBalAfter)
date = theDate;
type = theType;
description = theDescription;
public string getDate()
return date;
public string getType()
return type;
public string getDescription()
return description;
public double getAmount()
return amount;
public double getBalAfter()
return balAfter;
public void setDate(string inDate)
date = inDate;
public void setType(string inType)
type = inType;
public void setDescription(string inDescription)
description = inDescription;
public void setAmount(string inAmount)
amount = Convert.ToDouble(inAmount);
catch (FormatException invalidInput)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("ERROR" + invalidInput.Message + "Please enter a valid number");
public void setBalAfter(string inBalAfter)
balAfter = Convert.ToDouble(inBalAfter);
catch (FormatException invalidInput)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("ERROR" + invalidInput.Message + "Please enter a valid number");
Любая помощь с благодарностью.