Следующий код выдает в основном то, что я хочу, но прокручиваемая панель слева не прокручивается. Я использую ActivePerl 5.8.9 Build 825:
use Tk;
use Tk::Pane;
use Tk::LabFrame;
# create the application window
my $MW = MainWindow->new ( -background => "GREY" );
# set the x/y size for the window
# add a window title
$MW->title("Monitor Boxes");
# Disallow window resizing
# create a labelled frame on the window to house the list of buttons to be pressed
$boxListFrame = &create_framed_section( "List Of Boxes",
# create a labelled frame on the window to house the information to be displayed
# when a particular button is pressed
$statusOfBoxFrame = &create_framed_section( "Status",
# create a scrollable pane in the left hand pane so that if more buttons than
# is able to be displayed are put onto the application the scroll bar will allow
# the ones not displayed to be access
my $pane = $MW->Scrolled( 'Pane',
-scrollbars => 'e',
-width => 140,
-height => 555,
-background => "GREY")->place(-x=>15,-y=>25);
# setup the array of buttons
@boxes = ("BUTTON1", "BUTTON2", "BUTTON3", "BUTTON4", "BUTTON5", "BUTTON6", "BUTTON7", "BUTTON8", "BUTTON9", "BUTTON10", "BUTTON11", "BUTTON12", "BUTTON13", "BUTTON14", "BUTTON15", "BUTTON16");
# put the buttons onto the scrollable pane in the frame on the window (LOL)
DisplayCheckButtons( $pane, @boxes);
# wait until the user exits the app
# exit the app
exit 0;
sub DisplayCheckButtons
my ( $parent, @names ) = @_;
$Frame->destroy if $Frame;
$Frame = $parent->Frame( -width => 160,
-height => 555,
-background => "GREY")->place(-x=>15,-y=>15);
$xpos = 5;
$ypos = 5;
foreach $box (@names)
$buttons->{$box} = $Frame->Button(-text => $box)->place(-x=>$xpos,-y=>$ypos);
$ypos = $ypos + 40;
sub create_framed_section
# get the parameters
my($label, $labelside, $posX, $posY, $width, $height, $fontColour, $backgroundColour) = @_;
# create the item in the desired position with supplied information
$frame = $MW->LabFrame( -label => $label,
-labelside => $labelside,
-width => $width,
-height => $height,
-foreground => $fontColour,
-background => $backgroundColour,
return $frame;
Я надеюсь, что кто-то может указать на незначительную вещь, которую я упустил из этого, и положить конец моему разочарованию.