У меня есть эта строка в файле html.erb:
<p> Share your unique link with as many people as you can. <b>The more people you refer, the sooner you will be invited to DreamStill.</b> Also, about every two weeks, <b>artists that have referred the greatest number of users will be featured in an email sent out to all DreamStill members!</b> To check up on how many users you have referred, simply enter your same email address (the one you used to sign up) into the signup form at <%= link to "the signup page.", "www.dreamstill.com" %></p>
Вот ошибка:
compile error
/app/app/views/user_mailer/email.html.erb:7: syntax error, unexpected '<'
<p> Share your unique link with...
/app/app/views/user_mailer/email.html.erb:7: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting kDO or '{' or '('