Я фактически работал в расширенном классе JFrame с полупрозрачными градиентами в JFrame
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLayeredPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JRootPane;
public class JFrameGradient extends JFrame
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7565267933439533086L;
private Color initialColor;
private Color finalColor;
public static final int VERTICAL = 0;
public static final int HORIZONTAL = 1;
private int orientation = VERTICAL;
private int MAX_WIDTH = 1;
private int MAX_HEIGHT = 1;
private int xInitial = 0;
private int xFinal = 0;
private int yInitial = 0;
private int yFinal = 0;
private int initialRedComponent;
private int initialGreenComponent;
private int initialBlueComponent;
private int finalRedComponent;
private int finalGreenComponent;
private int finalBlueComponent;
private int delta = 1;
private String title;
private GraphicsConfiguration gc;
private JFrame frame;
private Graphics g;
private double transparency;
private JPanel gradientPane = new JPanel(true);
private boolean isColorChanged = false;
public JFrameGradient( Color initialColor, Color finalColor , double transparency )
this.frame = this;
initColor(initialColor, finalColor);
public JFrameGradient( String title , Color initialColor, Color finalColor , double transparency)
this.title = title;
initColor(initialColor, finalColor);
public JFrameGradient( GraphicsConfiguration gc , Color initialColor, Color finalColor , double transparency)
initColor(initialColor, finalColor);
public JFrameGradient( GraphicsConfiguration gc , String title , Color initialColor, Color finalColor , double transparency)
super( title , gc );
this.title = title;
initColor(initialColor, finalColor);
public JFrameGradient( double transparency)
this( Color.black , Color.white , transparency);
public JFrameGradient(String title , double transparency)
this( title , Color.black , Color.white , transparency);
public JFrameGradient( GraphicsConfiguration gc , double transparency)
this( gc , Color.black , Color.white , transparency);
public JFrameGradient( GraphicsConfiguration gc , String title , double transparency)
this( gc , title , Color.black , Color.white , transparency);
public JFrameGradient()
this( Color.black , Color.white , 1);
public JFrameGradient(String title)
this( title , Color.black , Color.white , 1);
public JFrameGradient( GraphicsConfiguration gc)
this( gc , Color.black , Color.white , 1);
public JFrameGradient( GraphicsConfiguration gc , String title)
this( gc , title , Color.black , Color.white , 1);
public Color getInitialColor()
return initialColor;
public Color getFinalColor()
return finalColor;
public void setInitialColor(Color initialColor)
this.initialColor = initialColor;
isColorChanged = true;
public void setFinalColor(Color finalColor)
this.finalColor = finalColor;
isColorChanged = true;
public String getTitle()
return title;
public double getTransparency()
return transparency;
public void setTransparency(double transparency)
if( ( transparency >= 0.0) && (transparency <= 1.0) )
this.transparency = transparency;
this.transparency = 1.0;
* @return the gc
public GraphicsConfiguration getGc()
return gc;
* @param gc the gc to set
private void setGc(GraphicsConfiguration gc)
this.gc = gc;
public int getOrientation()
return orientation;
public void setOrientation(int orientation)
this.orientation = orientation;
if( isVisible())
private void initColor(Color initialColor, Color finalColor)
this.initialColor = initialColor;
this.finalColor = finalColor;
this.initialRedComponent = initialColor.getRed();
this.initialGreenComponent = initialColor.getGreen();
this.initialBlueComponent = initialColor.getBlue();
this.finalRedComponent = finalColor.getRed();
this.finalGreenComponent = finalColor.getGreen();
this.finalBlueComponent = finalColor.getBlue();
private void initClass()
if( this != null)
frame = this;
public void paint(Graphics g)
Rectangle mask = null;
for( Component c : getComponents() )
if( c instanceof JRootPane )
JRootPane rootPane = (JRootPane) c;
for( Component cRootPane : rootPane.getComponents())
if( cRootPane instanceof JLayeredPane)
JLayeredPane cLayerPanels = (JLayeredPane) cRootPane;
for( Component cLayerPanel : cLayerPanels.getComponents() )
if( cLayerPanel instanceof JPanel)
JPanel cPanels = (JPanel) cLayerPanel;
for( Component cPanel : cPanels.getComponents() )
if( cPanel instanceof JPanel)
JPanel cPanels2 = (JPanel) cPanel;
mask = frame.getBounds();
for( Component cPanel2 : cPanels2.getComponents() )
private void paintGradient(Graphics g)
if( isColorChanged == true)
initColor(initialColor, finalColor);
isColorChanged = false;
if ( orientation == VERTICAL)
if ( this.getWidth() != 0 )
MAX_WIDTH = this.getWidth();
if ( this.getHeight() != 0)
MAX_HEIGHT = this.getHeight();
xFinal = MAX_WIDTH;
delta = MAX_HEIGHT;
} else if( orientation == HORIZONTAL )
if ( this.getHeight() != 0 )
MAX_HEIGHT = this.getHeight();
if ( this.getWidth() != 0)
MAX_WIDTH = this.getWidth();
yFinal = MAX_HEIGHT;
delta = MAX_WIDTH;
if ( (this.initialColor != null ) && (this.finalColor != null) )
if ( delta == 0)
delta = 1;
if( orientation == VERTICAL)
for( int n = 0 ; n < MAX_HEIGHT ; n++)
calculateColor(g, n);
g.drawLine(xInitial, n, xFinal, n);
} else if (orientation == HORIZONTAL)
for( int n = 0 ; n < MAX_WIDTH ; n++)
calculateColor(g, n);
g.drawLine(n , yInitial, n , yFinal);
delta = Math.max( MAX_HEIGHT , MAX_WIDTH);
private void calculateColor(Graphics g, int n)
int redComponent = 0;
int greenComponent = 0;
int blueComponent = 0;
redComponent = interpolateComponent(n, initialRedComponent, finalRedComponent, delta);
greenComponent = interpolateComponent(n, initialGreenComponent, finalGreenComponent, delta);
blueComponent = interpolateComponent(n, initialBlueComponent, finalBlueComponent, delta);
if( redComponent > 255)
redComponent = 255;
} else if ( redComponent < 0)
redComponent = 0;
if( greenComponent > 255)
greenComponent = 255;
} else if ( greenComponent < 0)
greenComponent = 0;
if( redComponent > 255)
blueComponent = 255;
} else if ( redComponent < 0)
blueComponent = 0;
g.setColor( new Color(redComponent , greenComponent , blueComponent , (int) (255 * transparency) ));
private int interpolateComponent( int x , int xInit , int xFinal , int delta )
int returnValue = 0 ;
if ( xInit < xFinal ) {
double slope = (xFinal - xInit) / (double) delta ;
returnValue = (int) ( xInit + slope * x );
else if( xFinal < xInit ) {
double slope = (xInit - xFinal) / (double) delta ;
returnValue = (int) ( xInit - slope * x );
} else {
returnValue = xInit;
return returnValue;
public void setVisible(boolean aFlag)
if (aFlag == true)
g = gradientPane.getGraphics();
public void setPreferredSize(int width, int height)
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width, height));