может сработать что-то подобное (write.csv()
просто игнорирует кодировку, поэтому вы должны выбрать writLines()
или writeBin()
) ...
#' function to convert character vectors to UTF-8 encoding
#' @param x the vector to be converted
#' @export
toUTF8 <-
worker <- function(x){
iconv(x, from = Encoding(x), to = "UTF-8")
unlist(lapply(x, worker))
#' function to write csv files with UTF-8 characters (even under Windwos)
#' @param df data frame to be written to file
#' @param file file name / path where to put the data
#' @export
write_utf8_csv <-
function(df, file){
firstline <- paste( '"', names(df), '"', sep = "", collapse = " , ")
char_columns <- seq_along(df[1,])[sapply(df, class)=="character"]
for( i in char_columns){
df[,i] <- toUTF8(df[,i])
data <- apply(df, 1, function(x){paste('"', x,'"', sep = "",collapse = " , ")})
writeLines( c(firstline, data), file , useBytes = T)
#' function to read csv file with UTF-8 characters (even under Windwos) that
#' were created by write_U
#' @param df data frame to be written to file
#' @param file file name / path where to put the data
#' @export
read_utf8_csv <- function(file){
# reading data from file
content <- readLines(file, encoding = "UTF-8")
# extracting data
content <- stringr::str_split(content, " , ")
content <- lapply(content, stringr::str_replace_all, '"', "")
content_names <- content[[1]][content[[1]]!=""]
content <- content[seq_along(content)[-1]]
# putting it into data.frame
df <- data.frame(dummy=seq_along(content), stringsAsFactors = F)
for(name in content_names){
tmp <- sapply(content, `[[`, dim(df)[2])
Encoding(tmp) <- "UTF-8"
df[,name] <- tmp
df <- df[,-1]
# return