Этот код для апплета создает определенную структуру папок внутри одной выбранной папки или независимо от того, какая открытая папка находится в Finder при щелчке апплета.Он ломается, если выбрано несколько папок.Есть ли способ заставить этот скрипт работать, когда выбрано несколько папок?
property archivesFolder : "Archives"
property imagesFolder : "Images"
property proofreadFolder : "Proofreading"
property proofFolder : "Proofs"
property sourceFolder : "Source"
tell application "Finder" to set theLocation to the selection as alias
on error
tell application "Finder" to set theLocation to (folder of the front window as alias)
end try
tell application "Finder"
if not (exists folder archivesFolder of theLocation) then
make new folder at theLocation with properties {name:archivesFolder}
end if
if not (exists folder imagesFolder of theLocation) then
make new folder at theLocation with properties {name:imagesFolder}
end if
if not (exists folder proofreadFolder of theLocation) then
make new folder at theLocation with properties {name:proofreadFolder}
end if
if not (exists folder proofFolder of theLocation) then
make new folder at theLocation with properties {name:proofFolder}
end if
if not (exists folder sourceFolder of theLocation) then
make new folder at theLocation with properties {name:sourceFolder}
end if
end tell