В этой статье MSDN приведен код для группировки по непрерывным значениям:
Я воспроизвел код по ссылке выше в случае ссылки-гнили:
public static class MyExtensions
public static IEnumerable<IGrouping<TKey, TSource>> ChunkBy<TSource, TKey>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector)
return source.ChunkBy(keySelector, EqualityComparer<TKey>.Default);
public static IEnumerable<IGrouping<TKey, TSource>> ChunkBy<TSource, TKey>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer)
// Flag to signal end of source sequence.
const bool noMoreSourceElements = true;
// Auto-generated iterator for the source array.
var enumerator = source.GetEnumerator();
// Move to the first element in the source sequence.
if (!enumerator.MoveNext()) yield break;
// Iterate through source sequence and create a copy of each Chunk.
// On each pass, the iterator advances to the first element of the next "Chunk"
// in the source sequence. This loop corresponds to the outer foreach loop that
// executes the query.
Chunk<TKey, TSource> current = null;
while (true)
// Get the key for the current Chunk. The source iterator will churn through
// the source sequence until it finds an element with a key that doesn't match.
var key = keySelector(enumerator.Current);
// Make a new Chunk (group) object that initially has one GroupItem, which is a copy of the current source element.
current = new Chunk<TKey, TSource>(key, enumerator, value => comparer.Equals(key, keySelector(value)));
// Return the Chunk. A Chunk is an IGrouping<TKey,TSource>, which is the return value of the ChunkBy method.
// At this point the Chunk only has the first element in its source sequence. The remaining elements will be
// returned only when the client code foreach's over this chunk. See Chunk.GetEnumerator for more info.
yield return current;
// Check to see whether (a) the chunk has made a copy of all its source elements or
// (b) the iterator has reached the end of the source sequence. If the caller uses an inner
// foreach loop to iterate the chunk items, and that loop ran to completion,
// then the Chunk.GetEnumerator method will already have made
// copies of all chunk items before we get here. If the Chunk.GetEnumerator loop did not
// enumerate all elements in the chunk, we need to do it here to avoid corrupting the iterator
// for clients that may be calling us on a separate thread.
if (current.CopyAllChunkElements() == noMoreSourceElements)
yield break;
// A Chunk is a contiguous group of one or more source elements that have the same key. A Chunk
// has a key and a list of ChunkItem objects, which are copies of the elements in the source sequence.
class Chunk<TKey, TSource> : IGrouping<TKey, TSource>
// INVARIANT: DoneCopyingChunk == true ||
// (predicate != null && predicate(enumerator.Current) && current.Value == enumerator.Current)
// A Chunk has a linked list of ChunkItems, which represent the elements in the current chunk. Each ChunkItem
// has a reference to the next ChunkItem in the list.
class ChunkItem
public ChunkItem(TSource value)
Value = value;
public readonly TSource Value;
public ChunkItem Next = null;
// The value that is used to determine matching elements
private readonly TKey key;
// Stores a reference to the enumerator for the source sequence
private IEnumerator<TSource> enumerator;
// A reference to the predicate that is used to compare keys.
private Func<TSource, bool> predicate;
// Stores the contents of the first source element that
// belongs with this chunk.
private readonly ChunkItem head;
// End of the list. It is repositioned each time a new
// ChunkItem is added.
private ChunkItem tail;
// Flag to indicate the source iterator has reached the end of the source sequence.
internal bool isLastSourceElement = false;
// Private object for thread syncronization
private object m_Lock;
// REQUIRES: enumerator != null && predicate != null
public Chunk(TKey key, IEnumerator<TSource> enumerator, Func<TSource, bool> predicate)
this.key = key;
this.enumerator = enumerator;
this.predicate = predicate;
// A Chunk always contains at least one element.
head = new ChunkItem(enumerator.Current);
// The end and beginning are the same until the list contains > 1 elements.
tail = head;
m_Lock = new object();
// Indicates that all chunk elements have been copied to the list of ChunkItems,
// and the source enumerator is either at the end, or else on an element with a new key.
// the tail of the linked list is set to null in the CopyNextChunkElement method if the
// key of the next element does not match the current chunk's key, or there are no more elements in the source.
private bool DoneCopyingChunk { get { return tail == null; } }
// Adds one ChunkItem to the current group
// REQUIRES: !DoneCopyingChunk && lock(this)
private void CopyNextChunkElement()
// Try to advance the iterator on the source sequence.
// If MoveNext returns false we are at the end, and isLastSourceElement is set to true
isLastSourceElement = !enumerator.MoveNext();
// If we are (a) at the end of the source, or (b) at the end of the current chunk
// then null out the enumerator and predicate for reuse with the next chunk.
if (isLastSourceElement || !predicate(enumerator.Current))
enumerator = null;
predicate = null;
tail.Next = new ChunkItem(enumerator.Current);
// tail will be null if we are at the end of the chunk elements
// This check is made in DoneCopyingChunk.
tail = tail.Next;
// Called after the end of the last chunk was reached. It first checks whether
// there are more elements in the source sequence. If there are, it
// Returns true if enumerator for this chunk was exhausted.
internal bool CopyAllChunkElements()
while (true)
lock (m_Lock)
if (DoneCopyingChunk)
// If isLastSourceElement is false,
// it signals to the outer iterator
// to continue iterating.
return isLastSourceElement;
public TKey Key { get { return key; } }
// Invoked by the inner foreach loop. This method stays just one step ahead
// of the client requests. It adds the next element of the chunk only after
// the clients requests the last element in the list so far.
public IEnumerator<TSource> GetEnumerator()
//Specify the initial element to enumerate.
ChunkItem current = head;
// There should always be at least one ChunkItem in a Chunk.
while (current != null)
// Yield the current item in the list.
yield return current.Value;
// Copy the next item from the source sequence,
// if we are at the end of our local list.
lock (m_Lock)
if (current == tail)
// Move to the next ChunkItem in the list.
current = current.Next;
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
Это не красиво, но хорошо работает.
В вашем случае это будет что-то вроде:
myList.ChunkBy( o => o.FlagSet )