Если вы будете использовать WPF, тогда вам следует использовать Canvas в качестве элемента управления контейнером. К изображениям вы должны добавить эти обработчики событий в коде файла:
private bool IsDragging = false;
private System.Windows.Point LastPosition;
private void MyImage_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
// Get the right MyImage
Image MyImage = sender as Image;
// Capture the mouse
if (!MyImage.IsMouseCaptured)
// Turn the drag mode on
IsDragging = true;
// Set the current mouse position to the last position before the mouse was moved
LastPosition = e.GetPosition(SelectionCanvas);
// Set this event to handled
e.Handled = true;
private void MyImage_MouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
// Get the right MyImage
Image MyImage = sender as Image;
// Release the mouse
if (MyImage.IsMouseCaptured)
// Turn the drag mode off
IsDragging = false;
// Set this event to handled
e.Handled = true;
private void MyImage_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
// Get the right MyImage
Image MyImage = sender as Image;
// Move the MyImage only when the drag move mode is on
if (IsDragging)
// Calculate the offset of the mouse movement
double xOffset = LastPosition.X - e.GetPosition(SelectionCanvas).X;
double yOffset = LastPosition.Y - e.GetPosition(SelectionCanvas).Y;
// Move the MyImage
Canvas.SetLeft(MyImage, (Canvas.GetLeft(MyImage) - xOffset >= 0.0) && (Canvas.GetLeft(MyImage) + MyImage.Width - xOffset <= SelectionCanvas.ActualWidth) ? Canvas.GetLeft(MyImage) - xOffset : Canvas.GetLeft(MyImage));
Canvas.SetTop(MyImage, (Canvas.GetTop(MyImage) - yOffset >= 0.0) && (Canvas.GetTop(MyImage) + MyImage.Height - yOffset <= SelectionCanvas.ActualHeight) ? Canvas.GetTop(MyImage) - yOffset : Canvas.GetTop(MyImage));
// Set the current mouse position as the last position for next mouse movement
LastPosition = e.GetPosition(SelectionCanvas);
Надеюсь, это поможет, Дэвид.