Открыть posting.php.
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if ($submit || $preview || $refresh)
после добавления
$post_data['your_url'] = "http://www.damienkeitel.com/index.php"; //remove the equals and url value if using in real post
$your_url = $post_data['your_url'];
$your_url_exists = (isset($your_url)) ? true : false;
$your_url = preg_replace(array('#&\#46;#','#&\#58;#','/\[(.*?)\]/'), array('.',':',''), $your_url);
if ($your_url_exists && http_file_exists($your_url) == true)
trigger_error('yeah, its reachable');
else if ($your_url_exists && http_file_exists($your_url) == false)
trigger_error('what da hell..');
открыть functions_posting
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* Fill smiley templates (or just the variables) with smilies, either in a window or inline
после добавления
function http_file_exists($url)
$f = @fopen($url,"r");
return true;
return false;