Что это за база данных? На SQL Server что-то вроде этого будет делать:
salesmanno, custname, amt
, case when subtotal_no = subtotal_count then subtotal end as subtotal
, case when total_no = total_count then subtotal end as total
from (
, c.custname
, h.amt
, sum(h.amt) over (partition by salesmanno) as subtotal
, sum(h.amt) over (partition by null) as grandtotal
, row_number() over (partition by salesmanno order by custname) as subtotal_no
, row_number() over (partition by null order by salesmanno, custname) as as total_no
, count(*) over (parition by salesmanno) as subtotal_count
, count(*) over (parition by null) as total_count
from hdr h, cust c
WHERE h.custno = c.custno
and h.hdate = '6/8/2009'
) a
order by total_no
Более короткая версия, больше сортировки для базы данных, возможно, менее очевидно, что происходит:
salesmanno, custname, amt
, case when subtotal_no = 1 then subtotal end as subtotal
, case when total_no = 1 then subtotal end as total
from (
, c.custname
, h.amt
, sum(h.amt) over (partition by salesmanno) as subtotal
, sum(h.amt) over (partition by null) as grandtotal
, row_number() over (partition by salesmanno order by custname desc) as subtotal_no
, row_number() over (partition by null order by salesmanno desc, custname desc) as as total_no
from hdr h, cust c
WHERE h.custno = c.custno
and h.hdate = '6/8/2009'
) a
order by total_no desc
Альтернативно, используя ROLLUP для генерации промежуточных итогов и итоговых строк:
, c.custname
, sum(h.amt) as amt
from hdr h, cust c
WHERE h.custno = c.custno
and h.hdate = '6/8/2009'
group by
, c.custname
with rollup
order by
, c.custname
Чтобы получить результаты в правильном порядке, измените порядок на что-то вроде этого:
order by
, h.salesmanno
, grouping(c.custname)
, c.custname