Heroku выдает ошибку в моем Postgres-Query сообщении:
ActiveRecord :: StatementInvalid (PGError: ОШИБКА: синтаксическая ошибка в или около "date" 2011-05-03T13: 58: 22+00:00 app [web.1]: LINE 1: ... 2011-05-31 ') GROUP BY EXTRACT (ГОД ОТ TIMESTAMP date) || EXT ...
Запрос SQLiteв разработке работает как положено.Вот код:
def self.calculate(year, month, user_id, partner_id)
case ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name
when 'SQLite'
where(':user_id = entries.user_id OR :partner_id = entries.user_id', {
:user_id => user_id,
:partner_id => partner_id
where('entries.date <= :last_day', {
:last_day => Date.new(year, month, 1).at_end_of_month
select('entries.date, ' +
'sum(case when joint = "f" then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_private, ' +
'sum(case when joint = "t" and user_id = ' + user_id.to_s + ' then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_user_joint, ' +
'sum(case when joint = "t" and user_id = ' + partner_id.to_s + ' then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_partner_joint, ' +
'sum(case when compensation = "t" and user_id = ' + user_id.to_s + ' then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_user_compensation, ' +
'sum(case when compensation = "t" and user_id = ' + partner_id.to_s + ' then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_partner_compensation '
group("strftime('%Y-%m', date)")
when 'PostgreSQL'
where(':user_id = entries.user_id OR :partner_id = entries.user_id', {
:user_id => user_id,
:partner_id => partner_id
where('entries.date <= :last_day', {
:last_day => Date.new(year, month, 1).at_end_of_month
select('entries.date, ' +
'sum(case when joint = "f" then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_private, ' +
'sum(case when joint = "t" and user_id = ' + user_id.to_s + ' then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_user_joint, ' +
'sum(case when joint = "t" and user_id = ' + partner_id.to_s + ' then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_partner_joint, ' +
'sum(case when compensation = "t" and user_id = ' + user_id.to_s + ' then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_user_compensation, ' +
'sum(case when compensation = "t" and user_id = ' + partner_id.to_s + ' then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_partner_compensation '
raise 'Query not implemented for this DB adapter'
Буду очень признателен за любые подсказки.И поскольку я уже задаю здесь вопрос, я не уверен относительно case when joint = "t"
в суммах в обоих запросах, есть ли лучший способ сделать это?
Благодаря как peufeu, так и лошади без имени, код теперь выглядит так:
when 'PostgreSQL'
where(':user_id = entries.user_id OR :partner_id = entries.user_id', {
:user_id => user_id,
:partner_id => partner_id
where('entries.date <= :last_day', {
:last_day => Date.new(year, month, 1).at_end_of_month
select('min(entries.date) as date, ' +
'sum(case when joint = false then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_private, ' +
'sum(case when joint = true and user_id = ' + user_id.to_s + ' then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_user_joint, ' +
'sum(case when joint = true and user_id = ' + partner_id.to_s + ' then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_partner_joint, ' +
'sum(case when compensation = true and user_id = ' + user_id.to_s + ' then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_user_compensation, ' +
'sum(case when compensation = true and user_id = ' + partner_id.to_s + ' then amount_calc else 0 end) as sum_partner_compensation '
group('EXTRACT(YEAR FROM "date"), EXTRACT(MONTH FROM "date")')
... и работает, как и ожидалось.
Еще одно мое утверждение сталкивается с проблемамисейчас и я редактирую его здесь, как кажется, связанный с ответом peufeu.Модель / Контроллер:
def self.all_entries_month(year, month, user_id, partner_id)
mydate = Date.new(year, month, 1)
where(':user_id = entries.user_id OR (:partner_id = entries.user_id AND entries.joint = :true)', {
:user_id => user_id,
:partner_id => partner_id,
:true => true
where(':first_day <= entries.date AND entries.date <= :last_day', {
:first_day => mydate,
:last_day => mydate.at_end_of_month
# group by tag and build sum of groups named group_sum
def self.group_by_tag
select('entries.*, sum(amount_calc) as group_sum')
@income = Entry.all_entries_month(@year, @month, current_user.id, current_partner.id).income
@cost = Entry.all_entries_month(@year, @month, current_user.id, current_partner.id).cost
# group cost by categories
@group_income = @income.group_by_tag.order('group_sum desc')
@group_cost = @cost.group_by_tag.order('group_sum')
ActionView::Template::Error (PGError: ERROR: column "entries.id" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
2011-05-03T18:35:20+00:00 app[web.1]: : SELECT entries.*, sum(amount_calc) as group_sum FROM "entries" WHERE (1 = entries.user_id OR (2 = entries.user_id AND entries.joint = 't')) AND ('2011-04-01' <= entries.date AND entries.date <= '2011-04-30') AND (amount_calc <= 0 AND compensation = 'f') GROUP BY tag ORDER BY group_sum):
2011-05-03T18:35:20+00:00 app[web.1]: 6: </thead>
2011-05-03T18:35:20+00:00 app[web.1]: 7: <tbody>
2011-05-03T18:35:20+00:00 app[web.1]: 8: <% if categories %>
2011-05-03T18:35:20+00:00 app[web.1]: 9: <% categories.each do |category| %>
2011-05-03T18:35:20+00:00 app[web.1]: 10: <tr>
2011-05-03T18:35:20+00:00 app[web.1]: 11: <td class="align-left"><%= category.tag %></td>
2011-05-03T18:35:20+00:00 app[web.1]: 12: <td class="align-right"><%= my_number_to_percentage (category.group_sum.to_f / total_cost) * 100 %></td>
ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ 2: Я нашел решение
# group by tag and build sum of groups named group_sum
def self.group_by_tag
select('tag, sum(amount_calc) as group_sum')