С помощью спецификации языка ECMAScript2015 (ES2015, ES6) можно динамически устанавливать имя функции без использования медленной и небезопасной eval функции ибез Object.defineProperty метод, который как повреждает объект функции, так и не работает в некоторых важных аспектах.
См., например, эту функцию nameAndSelfBind
, котораяспособен как именовать анонимные функции, так и переименовывать именованные функции, а также связывать их собственные тела с this и хранить ссылки на обработанные функции для использования во внешней области ( JSFiddle ):
// an optional constant to store references to all named and bound functions:
const arrayOfFormerlyAnonymousFunctions = [],
removeEventListenerAfterDelay = 3000; // an auxiliary variable for setTimeout
// this function both names argument function and makes it self-aware,
// binding it to itself; useful e.g. for event listeners which then will be able
// self-remove from within an anonymous functions they use as callbacks:
function nameAndSelfBind(functionToNameAndSelfBind,
name = 'namedAndBoundFunction', // optional
outerScopeReference) // optional
const functionAsObject = {
return binder(...arguments);
namedAndBoundFunction = functionAsObject[name];
// if no arbitrary-naming functionality is required, then the constants above are
// not needed, and the following function should be just "var namedAndBoundFunction = ":
var binder = function()
return functionToNameAndSelfBind.bind(namedAndBoundFunction, ...arguments)();
// this optional functionality allows to assign the function to a outer scope variable
// if can not be done otherwise; useful for example for the ability to remove event
// listeners from the outer scope:
if (typeof outerScopeReference !== 'undefined')
if (outerScopeReference instanceof Array)
outerScopeReference = namedAndBoundFunction;
return namedAndBoundFunction;
// removeEventListener callback can not remove the listener if the callback is an anonymous
// function, but thanks to the nameAndSelfBind function it is now possible; this listener
// removes itself right after the first time being triggered:
document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", nameAndSelfBind(function(e)
e.target.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', this, false);
console.log('\nEvent listener 1 triggered:', e, '\nthis: ', this,
'\n\nremoveEventListener 1 was called; if "this" value was correct, "'
+ e.type + '"" event will not listened to any more');
}, undefined, arrayOfFormerlyAnonymousFunctions), false);
// to prove that deanonymized functions -- even when they have the same 'namedAndBoundFunction'
// name -- belong to different scopes and hence removing one does not mean removing another,
// a different event listener is added:
document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", nameAndSelfBind(function(e)
console.log('\nEvent listener 2 triggered:', e, '\nthis: ', this);
}, undefined, arrayOfFormerlyAnonymousFunctions), false);
// to check that arrayOfFormerlyAnonymousFunctions constant does keep a valid reference to
// formerly anonymous callback function of one of the event listeners, an attempt to remove
// it is made:
arrayOfFormerlyAnonymousFunctions[arrayOfFormerlyAnonymousFunctions.length - 1],
console.log('\nAfter ' + delay + 'ms, an event listener 2 was removed; if reference in '
+ 'arrayOfFormerlyAnonymousFunctions value was correct, the event will not '
+ 'be listened to any more', arrayOfFormerlyAnonymousFunctions);
}, removeEventListenerAfterDelay, removeEventListenerAfterDelay);