Я пишу гибкий генератор командной строки (но не надолго!) В C ++. Я только что закончил писать половину пользовательского ввода. Однако в самой последней команде ввод «проскальзывает», и в getchar () автоматически вводится символ новой строки. Я принял меры предосторожности, чтобы гарантировать, что это не какой-либо переполнение, а именно, очистка как стандартного ввода, так и, по большей части, стандартного вывода. Проблема сохраняется. Вот мой код:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main () {
unsigned long seed = 0, x = 0, y = 0, initial = 0, range = 0;
int smooth = 0, fail = 1;
char flagchar1 = 'n';
printf("Welcome to my diamond-square generator! This isn't full-feature yet, so I'm just gonna have you input the variables one by one. ");
do {
printf("Please input the seed (this is a positive integer):\n");
fail = scanf("%lu", &seed);
while (fail == 0) {
printf("Try again, smartass.\n");
fail = scanf("%lu", &seed);
fail = 1;
printf("Now input the x, or horizontal, size of your grid:\n");
fail = scanf("%lu", &x);
while (fail == 0) {
printf("An integer. Not a string. An integer. You can do that, can't you?\n");
fail = scanf("%lu", &x);
fail = 1;
printf("Now input the y, or vertical, size of your grid:\n");
fail = scanf("%lu", &y);
while (fail == 0) {
printf("What was that supposed to be? An integer, please.\n");
fail = scanf("%lu", &y);
fail = 1;
printf("Now input about how high you'd like the grid to be (this goes from a scale of 1 to 256):\n");
fail = scanf("%lu", &initial);
while (initial == 0 || initial > 256 || fail == 0) {
printf("ahahahahaha how HIGH do you have to be just to HAVE that hieght........\n");
fail = scanf("%lu", &initial);
fail = 1;
printf("Now input the range of the heights on your grid (this must be equal to or less than 256):\n");
scanf("%lu", &range);
while (range >= 256 || fail == 0) {
printf("What did I say about being equal to or less than 256? Give me something reasonable to work with here.\n");
fail = scanf("%lu", &range);
fail = 1;
printf("Just one more variable to go! Now, I need you to input the smoothness of your grid. Smaller numbers make spikier grids. You can make this negative, but beware!\n");
fail = scanf("%d", &smooth);
while (fail == 0) {
printf("That... was not a number.\n");
fail = scanf("%d", &smooth);
fail = 1;
printf("\nOkay. Are these the values you want?\n Seed: %lu\n Width: %lu\n Length: %lu\n Height: %lu\n Range: %lu\n Smoothness: %d\nDo you want to keep these? Type Y/n.\n", seed, x, y, initial, range, smooth);
flagchar1 = getchar();
} while (flagchar1 != 'y' && flagchar1 != 'Y' && flagchar1 != '\n');
Вот мой вывод, программа закончилась (программа просто повторяет весь цикл выполнения, если я удаляю && flagchar1 != '\n'
из while()
Welcome to my diamond-square generator! This isn't full-feature yet, so I'm just gonna have you input the variables one by one. Please input the seed (this is a positive integer):
Now input the x, or horizontal, size of your grid:
Now input the y, or vertical, size of your grid:
Now input about how high you'd like the grid to be (this goes from a scale of 1 to 256):
ahahahahaha how HIGH do you have to be just to HAVE that hieght........
Now input the range of the heights on your grid (this must be equal to or less than 256):
Just one more variable to go! Now, I need you to input the smoothness of your grid. Smaller numbers make spikier grids. You can make this negative, but beware!
Okay. Are these the values you want?
Seed: 12345678
Width: 40
Length: 30
Height: 128
Range: 30
Smoothness: 10
Do you want to keep these? Type Y/n.
Что происходит, и как мне это исправить?
P.S. Я знаю, что моя проверка ввода по существу бесполезна. Помощь с этим также высоко ценится.