В итоге я использовал программу C # в сочетании с веб-службами SharePoint для достижения этой цели. Я также использовал методы расширения (GetXElement, GetXmlNode) в блоге Эрика Уайта здесь для преобразования между XMLNodes и XElements, что облегчило работу с XML из SharePoint.
Ниже приведен шаблон для большей части кода, необходимого для переноса данных списка, включая вложения, из одного списка SharePoint (2003 или 2007) в другой:
1) Этот код перемещает вложения после добавления нового элемента в целевой список.
// Adds attachments from a list item in one SharePoint server to a list item in another SharePoint server.
// addResults is the return value from a lists.UpdateListItems call.
private void AddAttachments(XElement addResults, XElement listItem)
XElement itemElements = _listsService2003.GetAttachmentCollection(_listNameGuid, GetListItemIDString(listItem)).GetXElement();
XNamespace s = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/";
var items = from i in itemElements.Elements(s + "Attachment")
select new { File = i.Value };
WebClient Client = new WebClient();
Client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("user", "password", "domain");
// Pull each attachment file from old site list and upload it to the new site list.
foreach (var item in items)
byte[] data = Client.DownloadData(item.File);
string fileName = Path.GetFileName(item.File);
string id = GetID(addResults);
_listsService2007.AddAttachment(_newListNameGuid, id, fileName, data);
2) Код, который перебирает старый список SharePoint и заполняет новый.
private void TransferListItems()
XElement listItems = _listsService2003.GetListItems(_listNameGuid, _viewNameGuid, null, null, "", null).GetXElement();
XNamespace z = "#RowsetSchema";
foreach (XElement listItem in listItems.Descendants(z + "row"))
private void AddNewListItem(XElement listItem)
// SharePoint XML for adding new list item.
XElement newItem = new XElement("Batch",
new XAttribute("OnError", "Return"),
new XAttribute("ListVersion", "1"),
new XElement("Method",
new XAttribute("ID", "1"),
new XAttribute("Cmd", "New")));
// Populate fields from old list to new list mapping different field names as necessary.
PopulateFields(newItem, listItem);
XElement addResults = _listsService2007.UpdateListItems(_newListNameGuid, newItem.GetXmlNode()).GetXElement();
// Address attachements.
if (HasAttachments(listItem))
AddAttachments(addResults, listItem);
private static bool HasAttachments(XElement listItem)
XAttribute attachments = listItem.Attribute("ows_Attachments");
if (System.Convert.ToInt32(attachments.Value) != 0)
return true;
return false;
3) Разный код поддержки для этого образца.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
// This method uses an map List<FieldMap> created from an XML file to map fields in the
// 2003 SharePoint list to the new 2007 SharePoint list.
private object PopulateFields(XElement batchItem, XElement listItem)
foreach (FieldMap mapItem in FieldMaps)
if (listItem.Attribute(mapItem.OldField) != null)
batchItem.Element("Method").Add(new XElement("Field",
new XAttribute("Name", mapItem.NewField),
return listItem;
private static string GetID(XElement elem)
XNamespace z = "#RowsetSchema";
XElement temp = elem.Descendants(z + "row").First();
return temp.Attribute("ows_ID").Value;
private static string GetListItemIDString(XElement listItem)
XAttribute field = listItem.Attribute("ows_ID");
return field.Value;
private void SetupServices()
_listsService2003 = new SPLists2003.Lists();
_listsService2003.Url = "http://oldsite/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx";
_listsService2003.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password", "domain");
_listsService2007 = new SPLists2007.Lists();
_listsService2007.Url = "http://newsite/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx";
_listsService2007.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password", "domain");
private string _listNameGuid = "SomeGuid"; // Unique ID for the old SharePoint List.
private string _viewNameGuid = "SomeGuid"; // Unique ID for the old SharePoint View that has all the fields needed.
private string _newListNameGuid = "SomeGuid"; // Unique ID for the new SharePoint List (target).
private SPLists2003.Lists _listsService2003; // WebService reference for the old SharePoint site (2003 or 2007 is fine).
private SPLists2007.Lists _listsService2007; // WebService reference for the new SharePoint site.
private List<FieldMap> FieldMaps; // Used to map the old list to the new list. Populated with a support function on startup.
class FieldMap
public string OldField { get; set; }
public string OldType { get; set; }
public string NewField { get; set; }
public string NewType { get; set; }