use warnings;
system ( "dialog --menu Customize 30 80 60 "
. "'Show rules' 'Show all the current rules' "
. "'Flush rules' 'Flush all the tables' "
. "Allow IP' 'Block all except one IP' "
. "'Block IP' 'Block all the packets from an IP' "
. "'Block MAC' 'Block using the hardware address' "
. "'Private networking' 'Allow only one network and block other networks' "
. "'Allow lo' 'Allow local network interface' "
. "'Save' 'Save customized rules' "
. "'Exit' 'Close the program' "
. "'more options' '........' 2> /tmp/customize.txt");
open FILE4, "/tmp/customize.txt" or die $!;
chomp(my $customize = <FILE4>);
if($customize =~ /Show rules/){
`iptables -nvL | tee /tmp/nvl.txt`;
system ("dialog --textbox /tmp/nvl.txt 22 70");
elsif($customize =~ /Flush rules/){
`iptables -F`;
system ("dialog --infobox 'All tables have been flushed.' 05 35");
sleep 2;
elsif($customize =~ /Allow IP/){
system ("dialog --inputbox 'Enter the IP address of the sysetm which you want to allow:' 15 40 2> /tmp/allowIP.txt");
open FILE7, "/tmp/allowIP.txt" or die $!;
chomp(my $aip = <FILE7>);
`iptables -I INPUT -s $aip -j DROP`;
system ("dialog --infobox 'IP address $aip is allowed and rest are blocked' 05 45");
sleep 2;
elsif($customize =~ /Block IP/){
system ("dialog --inputbox 'Enter the IP address of the system which you want to block:' 15 40 2> /tmp/blockIP.txt");
open FILE5, "/tmp/blockIP.txt" or die $!;
chomp(my $ip = <FILE5>);
`iptables -A INPUT -s $ip -j DROP`;
system ("dialog --infobox 'IP address $ip has been blocked!' 05 35");
sleep 2;
elsif($customize =~ /Private networking/){
system ("dialog --inputbox 'Enter the network address which you want to allow (eg.' 15 40 2> /tmp/network.txt");
open FILE6, "/tmp/network.txt" or die $!;
chomp(my $network = <FILE6>);
`iptables -I INPUT -s $network -j ACCEPT`;
system ("dialog --infobox 'Network $network is allowed and rest networks are blocked' 05 35");
sleep 2;
elsif($customize =~ /Allow lo/){
`iptables -I INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT`;
system ("dialog --infobox 'Local interface is allowed.' 05 35");
sleep 2;
elsif($customize =~ /Save/){
`service iptables save`;
system ("dialog --infobox 'All rules have been saved successfully' 05 45");
sleep 2;
elsif($customize =~ /Exit/){
system ("dialog --infobox 'Closing application.' 05 35");
sleep 2;
exit 0;
perl file.plx
ошибка :
sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
Как устранить эту ошибку?